Electric Cars - 12 minutes worth watching


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2020 BX23S, BX2822 Snowblower, Curtis Deluxe Cab,
Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
I want to know what trains, buses, trucks, ocean liners, airplanes, etc. are going to use for fuel when fossil fuels are eliminated.
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Well-known member

2020 BX23S, BX2822 Snowblower, Curtis Deluxe Cab,
Nov 8, 2015
North East CT


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
hahahaha 'charging while driving' hahaha
Is it April 1st already ???

Charging a cellphone is simple compared to cars going down a highway at 70 MPH. Can it be done, maybe,but there are SERIOUS technical hurdles to overcome. 'Minor' details like 'coupling' ( the connection). The efficiency changes dramatically if the road is wet,cold,hot,dry, etc.,distance between 'pickup'( the car's receiver) and the embedded road coils. There's an optimum gap or distance. I did 'energy harvesting' 6 decades ago,without computers,and it was challenging back then, add a moving target..yikes !!! Unless this is FREE energy, the 'road' has to talk to the car 'computer' to ensure the correct amount of charge is delivered though the onboard computer might(should ?) handle this. Any damage to the road(hmm do cars crash ?) could cost serious coins to repair as system has to be shutdown.
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I agree with Jay ,, go figure,, The charging using rotational system, IE belt, or chains ,or gears, will put a drain on the on board battery system as it is going to require more force to move forward due to the resistance of the generator system, kind of like having a brake dragging. Even using a mag generator there will still be a drag. Could it work I doubt it but hey what do I know
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Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I want to know what trains, buses, trucks, ocean liners, airplanes, etc. are going to use for fuel when fossil fuels are eliminated.
Solar panels.....
Nothing will move at night!:LOL:


Active member

Oct 31, 2023
As with most things there isn't one simple answer. The future will need to be a large percentage EVs for vehicles and heat pumps for heating/cooling, and distributed generation - PV on every roof, small nukes in ever county, wind and tidal generation where viable, geothermal, etc. to provide clean power and not melt the "grid". For the applications where battery based power is not practical, probably mostly bio-diesel and likely algae based which can be readily produced in desert areas vs. wasting crop land for ethanol. And yes, road taxes will out of necessity have to be based on road miles traveled, not fuel used.

The bigger issue we really need to be planning for is the elimination of pretty much all jobs by automation and AI. When employment is no longer the norm, all of society needs a massive rethink to make it stable and equitable and road taxes an EV mandates will be of little concern.
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Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
I suppose if you wear rose coloured glasses, then EVs are your future but take them off and look at the 'numbers'. There's a HUGE amount of energy needed on a daily basis. Convert barrels of oil into electrons and you'll see there's no alternative...The ACTUAL cost to replace oil with electrons isn't possible.
Nukes.... NIMBY, 'radiation', 'security', 'terrorists'......
Windmills... only good if the wind blows and NO storage
Solar...only good when the sun shines, no clouds,rain, snow....and NO storage
geothermal..is great IF you can drill deep holes, cheaply
bio-diesel.only good in summer andreduces food supplies
algae..so far not 'cost effective' or 'economically viable'
hydro..great but NIMBY, save the animals,climate change...

as for 'no jobs'.future..doesn't seem to be a problem TODAY.10s of millions sitting at home 'on the dole', millions more being let in...they all seem to be happy...
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Active member

Oct 31, 2023
I suppose if you wear rose coloured glasses, then EVs are your future but take them off and look at the 'numbers'. There's a HUGE amount of energy needed on a daily basis. Convert barrels of oil into electrons and you'll see there's no alternative...The ACTUAL cost to replace oil with electrons isn't possible.
Nukes.... NIMBY, 'radiation', 'security', 'terrorists'......
Windmills... only good if the wind blows and NO storage
Solar...only good when the sun shines, no clouds,rain, snow....and NO storage
geothermal..is great IF you can drill deep holes, cheaply
bio-diesel.only good in summer andreduces food supplies
algae..so far not 'cost effective' or 'economically viable'
hydro..great but NIMBY, save the animals,climate change...

as for 'no jobs'.future..doesn't seem to be a problem TODAY.10s of millions sitting at home 'on the dole', millions more being let in...they all seem to be happy...
"Nukes.... NIMBY, 'radiation', 'security', 'terrorists'......" - Not really an issue for small nukes, and like other necessities, mandated reality check will simply have to trump the uneducated paranoia of the NIMBYs.

"Windmills... only good if the wind blows and NO storage
Solar...only good when the sun shines, no clouds,rain, snow....and NO storage"
- There is most certainly utility scale storage in use today and it has been in use for years and continues to get better. Recall the Elon Musk bet with the folks down under (which he won) for their desperately needed utility scale battery array in like 10 months start to finish?

"geothermal..is great IF you can drill deep holes, cheaply" - What else will all those oil drill rigs have to do? Of course some will still need to drill for oil for a while as the raw material for other things we need, just not to burn as fuel, but there will be plenty of drilling capacity available. Also for the heat pump side of things in colder climates, trenched horizontal coil installations have been proven effective and more cost effective than deep hole installations. Deep holes only needed in areas of geothermal resource for steam generation for power.

"bio-diesel.only good in summer and reduces food supplies
algae..so far not 'cost effective' or 'economically viable'"
- Algae is getting there and will get there faster if it has the same subsidies currently handed out to the ethanol crowd.

"as for 'no jobs'.future..doesn't seem to be a problem TODAY.10s of millions sitting at home 'on the dole', millions more being let in...they all seem to be happy..." - Sadly this is mostly right wing conspiracy theorist propaganda. There are not that many "sitting at home on the dole", though they will be rapidly as the low skill jobs they toil at are automated away. One very overlooked issue is the fact that some of the highest paid jobs will be the first to go as there is more funding available to replace them. Doctors are going to be in a world of hurt as now multiple AI systems have been shown to be as good as or better than they are at diagnosing problems. There is also a shortage of doctors so the AI will at first "assist" and "fill the gap" before rapidly replacing as a whole.
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Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: for the heat pump side of things in colder climates, trenched horizontal coil installations have been proven effective and more cost effective than deep hole installations. Deep holes only needed in areas of geothermal resource for steam generation for power.

I looked into this years ago and don't have the area to do 'horizontal trenches'. All 3 GEO firms said the same thing, deep drilled holes.Even today,with heatpumps being x2 better than then, still need to drill, one of those 'physics /math' deals.

biggest stumbling block for nukes is EPA regs . Sure small NUKEs are possible solution,but again the 'grid' is seriously undersized for the EV demands. Domino effect. if my 2 neighbours and I install EV chargers(type 2), transformer on the pole needs to be replaced. If 5 groups of neighbours do this, the main 4800v feed has to be upgraded,more power?, substation upgrade..... Ontario Hydro neighbour showed me some 'upgrade plans' and wow it gets very complicated,very fast.

have a look at the damage to just one of Musk's grid-battery installations. Also remove the guv subsidies on wind/solar and it gets real pricey. 1,000s of windmills being scrapped and NO economical way to dispose of the blades. Use Google maps to see acres and acres of them,stockpiled as they can't be buried.

ethonal was bad and still is. costs more to make,reduces energy in gas, LOVES water, destroys some 'rubber' seals. GREAT money maker for a select few though.

'sitting on the dole', 'free cheesers' all the same group. You can't seriously believe that all those new immigrant that have crossed the southern USA boarder are actually employed and paying taxes ! pretty sure the 1,000s of homeless in LA, NYC, etc. don't have jobs either. Highest paid jobs,like CEOs, will never be cut.'golden rule', those with the gold, rule...those that rule, get the gold.


Active member

Oct 31, 2023
re: for the heat pump side of things in colder climates, trenched horizontal coil installations have been proven effective and more cost effective than deep hole installations. Deep holes only needed in areas of geothermal resource for steam generation for power.

I looked into this years ago and don't have the area to do 'horizontal trenches'. All 3 GEO firms said the same thing, deep drilled holes.Even today,with heatpumps being x2 better than then, still need to drill, one of those 'physics /math' deals.

biggest stumbling block for nukes is EPA regs . Sure small NUKEs are possible solution,but again the 'grid' is seriously undersized for the EV demands. Domino effect. if my 2 neighbours and I install EV chargers(type 2), transformer on the pole needs to be replaced. If 5 groups of neighbours do this, the main 4800v feed has to be upgraded,more power?, substation upgrade..... Ontario Hydro neighbour showed me some 'upgrade plans' and wow it gets very complicated,very fast.

have a look at the damage to just one of Musk's grid-battery installations. Also remove the guv subsidies on wind/solar and it gets real pricey. 1,000s of windmills being scrapped and NO economical way to dispose of the blades. Use Google maps to see acres and acres of them,stockpiled as they can't be buried.

ethonal was bad and still is. costs more to make,reduces energy in gas, LOVES water, destroys some 'rubber' seals. GREAT money maker for a select few though.

'sitting on the dole', 'free cheesers' all the same group. You can't seriously believe that all those new immigrant that have crossed the southern USA boarder are actually employed and paying taxes ! pretty sure the 1,000s of homeless in LA, NYC, etc. don't have jobs either. Highest paid jobs,like CEOs, will never be cut.'golden rule', those with the gold, rule...those that rule, get the gold.
"All 3 GEO firms said the same thing, deep drilled holes" - They or their buddies already invested in the pricey drill rigs. I'm not talking about the trenched loop installations that were an early alternative to deep drilled, those did require a large area and are obsolete. I'm talking about trenched coil which has a lot more pipe area in the trench as the coil is spread horizontally with overlapping loops. It's been proven that the soil thermal mass is more than adequate for this loop density and this installation requires far less area.

"biggest stumbling block for nukes is EPA regs" - Nope, the issue is predominanantly junk lawsuits from the anti-science minority.

"the 'grid' is seriously undersized for the EV demands" - Quite true and it can never accommodate all the EVs and heat pumps. This is why distributed generation is the only viable solution. Long distance transmission of the required amounts of power will never be viable barring some new breakthrough in superconductors, but even that would leave unacceptable single points of failure that distributed generation also eliminates.

"have a look at the damage to just one of Musk's grid-battery installations"
- A non-argument. Any installation of any technology can and will be damaged at some point.

"Also remove the guv subsidies on wind/solar and it gets real pricey" - Pricey, yes, but even ignoring the climate change argument, the health care costs from all the pollution generated from oil/coal/gas generation and engines is also very pricey and the reduction in cost on healthcare will offset the increased energy production costs.

"ethonal was bad and still is. costs more to make,reduces energy in gas, LOVES water, destroys some 'rubber' seals. GREAT money maker for a select few though." - Yes, many knee-jerk reactions have unintended consequences that are just as bad as ignoring the real problems. This is not a reason for inaction, it is a reason for carefully studied intelligent action.

"You can't seriously believe that all those new immigrant that have crossed the southern USA boarder are actually employed and paying taxes" - A very large percentage are most certainly employed, often more than one job and they are also building small businesses as well. When you come from nearly nothing the motivation to work and succeed is great and they also have a culture of extended families supporting eachother.

"pretty sure the 1,000s of homeless in LA, NYC, etc. don't have jobs either" - This is indeed a large issue and one that needs to urgently be addressed especially as jobs continue to be lost to automation. When someone who previously had a decent liveable job looses it and can't fine another liveable job and ends up on the street there is a very small window to "save" them before they descend into mental illness / drug abuse and will never be productive again. This is not their lazieness, you try loosing a $50k job and can't find any replacement job that can even pay the rent anywhere and see how long you survive.
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Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: I'm talking about trenched coil .....
aka 'slinky loops' .
I asked as even back then,it was a known method but even though I have 1/3 acre of land, once you subtract house, garage, shed and oh yeah septic bed, there isn't enough area to lay the pipes and I only need 2t. Today most systems are 3t or more, due to bigger houses, no trees, and other factors.
I was running my own energy design/build/management company back then so I knew and did the calculations which were very,very close to the consultants own figures

as for jobs.. I never ever had a $50K job, not even $25K ,lost that due to Federal regulations, but still managed to pay off house, buy lots of toys and retire at 35. Gives me lots of time to help neighbours and play with the toys.


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
"Nukes.... NIMBY, 'radiation', 'security', 'terrorists'......" - Not really an issue for small nukes, and like other necessities, mandated reality check will simply have to trump the uneducated paranoia of the NIMBYs.

"Windmills... only good if the wind blows and NO storage
Solar...only good when the sun shines, no clouds,rain, snow....and NO storage"
- There is most certainly utility scale storage in use today and it has been in use for years and continues to get better. Recall the Elon Musk bet with the folks down under (which he won) for their desperately needed utility scale battery array in like 10 months start to finish?

"geothermal..is great IF you can drill deep holes, cheaply" - What else will all those oil drill rigs have to do? Of course some will still need to drill for oil for a while as the raw material for other things we need, just not to burn as fuel, but there will be plenty of drilling capacity available. Also for the heat pump side of things in colder climates, trenched horizontal coil installations have been proven effective and more cost effective than deep hole installations. Deep holes only needed in areas of geothermal resource for steam generation for power.

"bio-diesel.only good in summer and reduces food supplies
algae..so far not 'cost effective' or 'economically viable'"
- Algae is getting there and will get there faster if it has the same subsidies currently handed out to the ethanol crowd.

"as for 'no jobs'.future..doesn't seem to be a problem TODAY.10s of millions sitting at home 'on the dole', millions more being let in...they all seem to be happy..." - Sadly this is mostly right wing conspiracy theorist propaganda. There are not that many "sitting at home on the dole", though they will be rapidly as the low skill jobs they toil at are automated away. One very overlooked issue is the fact that some of the highest paid jobs will be the first to go as there is more funding available to replace them. Doctors are going to be in a world of hurt as now multiple AI systems have been shown to be as good as or better than they are at diagnosing problems. There is also a shortage of doctors so the AI will at first "assist" and "fill the gap" before rapidly replacing as a whole.
Currently 83, ....I will soon be leaving all the Democrat wacko, leftist, paranoia, woke crap behind!


Active member

Oct 31, 2023
Currently 83, ....I will soon be leaving all the Democrat wacko, leftist, paranoia, woke crap behind!
You probably have 20 years or more to go, so you'll have to live through the energy transition just like folks had to live through the industrial revolution. As for the current "Democrat wacko, leftist, paranoia, woke crap" I think that tide is already beginning to receed, albeit more slowly than I'd like.

For the higher density areas like the noted 1/3 acre where they are already mostly on water and sewer service, a shift to the modern version of the "district heating" or "steam service' is probably a better, more efficient direction. This is already occurring in some European countries with decent results.


Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
Windmills... only good if the wind blows and NO storage
Solar...only good when the sun shines, no clouds,rain, snow....and NO storage
Yes indeed there will be storage. Within my 20 mile radius there are nuclear, wind, solar, trash burners, oil fired turbine, natural gas and hydro generation. There is one large pump storage facility and a private group wants to build another to enrich themselves. My township has given up 100% of riverfront property, considerable land for power lines and now a once beautiful Girl Scout camp will be turned into a huge mosquito pond, I say "will" because the money talks and we count for nothing. But the feel good EV nuts will rejoice in our tough luck.


Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
Probably not the Caymans.
At 83,. ....next stop for me is likely,....underground, or in a lovely ceramic urn.
Love ya man, but you need to stop obsessing on your age. I am only a few years behind you and I choose to ignore my age. :)


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Love ya man, but you need to stop obsessing on your age. I am only a few years behind you and I choose to ignore my age. :)
I am quite comfortable with my age, but.....
It is a reality, and a fact that I choose to not ignore.
I cannot do as much as in days past, and I often do need to push myself to get things done!
Folks at my age croak every day, so it is important to me to be aware.

My mother and dad both died at 81, so I am already ahead of them in this game of life!