@bearbait I was raised with country music. Watched Hee Haw on television every Saturday night and 45’s, 33’s and 78’s were the fare to play music at home.
@Fordtech86 - 45/33/78 are different size/rpm discs made with vinyl that made music on a record player.
Your heavy metal today is a bit heavier than I care for, but what I listened to 45 years ago wasn’t well received by my elders either.
Sometimes that record player was part of a huge Television Console if you were really affluent….we didn’t have one. ….

Nowadays Country Music makes me want to puke….guess it was my exposure to heavy metal in the 70’s and 80’s, especially restaurant kitchens as a teenager.
I know it’s very popular, but honestly I’d rather listen to very early rap over country any day.