For some reason those couple sentences from Daren’s post brought back a memory…
It was 1967 or 68. Although serving in the US Coast Guard, I was stationed for a year in northern Thailand. The Coast Guard operated a system of LORAN stations in various locations, which were used for navigation by aircraft and ships. Anyway there was a system installed specifically for use by military aircraft, over Vietnam mainly.
We were a group of 28 or 29 men in a town about 60 miles south of the city of Chiang Mai, in case anyone’s interested. It was actually a good place to be. The barracks was about halfway between a normal military barracks and a college dorm. We had rooms that held four people, and the rooms were divided in half by a wall that was T-shaped and about 7 feet high. we each ended up with a roommate sharing a cubicle. We paid a small amount monthly, and had maids that would clean the place, make our beds and wash our laundry. Not a bad situation.
I come back from town one day in the afternoon with a bag of loose tea that I bought somewhere. If you looked at it, it actually looked like it was grass. So I walk into my cubicle and my roommate is there.
I show him the bag and say “ Look what I bought“ with a bit of an evil smile, and put the tea in my desk drawer (yes we each had a small desk).
I go do something and come back about an hour later, and my roommate isn’t there, and I look in the desk and my tea isn’t there either!
Finally found him sitting out back in a folding chair, smoking my tea!