My needs (OK, wants) are a little different. I bought a few boxes of .410 brass hulls a while back just for fun. Thought about using them in the single barrel or Judge. Then there was this mental image of dropping a pair into a double barrel and having a nostalgic sorta walk this coming small game season.Creature Meadow, I have a little over/under 410 shotgun I use for tree rats and rabbit control now that some neighbors are closing in on me. To get away from the high price of factory ammo for it I found that you can quite easily turn .444 Marlin brass into .410 shot shell. I hand load them with some simple home made tools and they work great! With the shell being brass it should last just about forever. The only modification necessary for my shotgun was the Marlin rims were a little thicker than the .410 shotshell and trimming the lettering off the ends seemed to be enough to allow the break action to close on the brass shells. I doubt they'd work well in a pump action. But for dropping them in by hand they work just fine.
You can google for load data and supplies, information, etc. I have about $4 per box into the reloads. My supplies were bought a year ago, though.
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Problem is I don't HAVE a double barrel .410 shotgun, and for some reason they are scarce around here.
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