COVID-19 Stuff

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Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
What about the people that want to head to work? Church? Be with family? Are they fools too that you wish to let them gather and die?
I don't wish the virus or death on anyone. Its a personal choice whither someone wishes to take risks or not. Lots of people have to work in public areas and take a risk. Not their choice. Bars restaurants beaches its the choice of patrons.
I'd love to head up north and go atving. Stay at hotels ect like we did last year.
This year we will ride local and not stay at hotels. Our choice.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I don't wish the virus or death on anyone. Its a personal choice whither someone wishes to take risks or not. Lots of people have to work in public areas and take a risk. Not their choice. Bars restaurants beaches its the choice of patrons.
I'd love to head up north and go atving. Stay at hotels ect like we did last year.
This year we will ride local and not stay at hotels. Our choice.
Key words, personal choice. My wife and I made that choice and will continue to do so. I captain my own ship, you captain yours.



Apr 2, 2017
Indian River MI
With 90,000 people dead in the USA from the virus its hard to believe so many just want to head to the bars and party. God gave us a brain and common sense. I say let the fools gather and die. I'll be home where I belong. Cutting brush and keeping busy doing whatever it takes to stay healthy and protect my family.
For me its not politics its not dieing.

Very wise words, that i repeat every day

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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
With 90,000 people dead in the USA from the virus its hard to believe so many just want to head to the bars and party. God gave us a brain and common sense. I say let the fools gather and die. I'll be home where I belong. Cutting brush and keeping busy doing whatever it takes to stay healthy and protect my family. For me its not politics its not dieing.
Those people who insist on going out and partying & contract the disease will be the first ones (if they survive, or their relatives, if they don't) to sue the businesses they visit, and also the government for not protecting them.


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
If only it were that simple. The ones that party, the ones that go out without masks because it is an infringement on their god given rights, the ones that are just plain stupid, will spread it to the grocery clerk, the plumber, the nurse's husband that sooner or later we encounter no matter how isolated we are. When they start a flare up in a few weeks it will be our economy that is threatened, our hospitals short of supplies etc. Sorry but I can't find much use for the selfish and the stupid.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Neither can I actually.

The economy is already shot btw.



MX5800; BH92, BB2572, Forks 3048
Jul 1, 2016
HOLT, Florida
Well, I see that the media has been very effective is making otherwise intelligent people so fearful that they now insult those who claim their God-given rights which are guaranteed in our U.S. Constitution. I can only wonder now, given that the true fatality rate of Covid-19 mirrors the annual fatality rate of seasonal Influenza, if these same otherwise intelligent people will stay home, quit going to work, and wear masks during flu season every year.
I would guess that the question of whether or not we are so fearful depends greatly on where we get our "news."
This entire hype that drives people to turn on each other has been a political tool from the beginning - and sadly; it is working.


Well-known member
Premium Member

Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
As of this morning May 19th 2020 the total deaths in the USA from the virus is 92,000 people have died.
The CDC estimates from current till August 2 , the total death rate from the virus will be 142,000 people will of died.
Looking at the calendar quick that's 11 weeks +- to have gained 50,000 new deaths once the states open up.
Or 4,600 people dieing per week. Not new cases but people dieing.
I'm meeting a customer in New Hampshire this afternoon after work with an order I have ready for him. I'll be wearing a mask when I met him. Its the least I can do for myself, my family and the customers family.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
yeah, that trial was TWO MONTHS ago.....
CV19 isn't bad enough of the drug companies to make billions yet....
of course I'm cynical, I'm gettin old and seen this before....



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
As of this morning May 19th 2020 the total deaths in the USA from the virus is 92,000 people have died.
The CDC estimates from current till August 2 , the total death rate from the virus will be 142,000 people will of died.
Looking at the calendar quick that's 11 weeks +- to have gained 50,000 new deaths once the states open up.
Or 4,600 people dieing per week. Not new cases but people dieing.
I'm meeting a customer in New Hampshire this afternoon after work with an order I have ready for him. I'll be wearing a mask when I met him. Its the least I can do for myself, my family and the customers family.
Wear a mask, keep your distance (6 feet) and use hand sanitizer if you touch anything besides the insides of your pockets. I'm doubly careful all the time and so far, so good.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
yeah, that trial was TWO MONTHS ago.....
CV19 isn't bad enough of the drug companies to make billions yet....
of course I'm cynical, I'm gettin old and seen this before....
Any vaccine will take time, meanwhile people die. I am old and I HAVE seen this before...:eek:


Well-known member
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
yeah, that trial was TWO MONTHS ago.....
CV19 isn't bad enough of the drug companies to make billions yet....
of course I'm cynical, I'm gettin old and seen this before....
The Moderna trial began in March, they continue to gather data from those volunteers as to whether there were side effects, and whether or not their immune systems were able to make antibodies to the covid protein. They still need more data to see if those antibodies will protect against infection. It typically takes around 3 weeks for a flu shot to build immunity.


Well-known member
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Well, I see that the media has been very effective is making otherwise intelligent people so fearful that they now insult those who claim their God-given rights which are guaranteed in our U.S. Constitution. I can only wonder now, given that the true fatality rate of Covid-19 mirrors the annual fatality rate of seasonal Influenza, if these same otherwise intelligent people will stay home, quit going to work, and wear masks during flu season every year.
I would guess that the question of whether or not we are so fearful depends greatly on where we get our "news."
This entire hype that drives people to turn on each other has been a political tool from the beginning - and sadly; it is working.
Boo, if anything makes me truly sad it is the dissension that has become a part of American politics is getting in the way of effectively dealing with a real problem for everyone. The countries that are dealing with this the most effectively are ones where there is a leader that has built a consensus, look at New Zealand. As far as media hype, while it is overkill, the facts are still there to be checked out via other sources. You and I would have to agree to disagree as to what our constitution actually guarantees us. I believe that we have the rights to speak freely, but not necessarily to do something that will cause harm to other people. The yokels shouting unmasked, congregating shoulder to shoulder, brandishing their guns on Michigans capitol just because they can, were free to do so because their rights were legally guaranteed. Police were there to protect their right to protest the state government's decisions. They also likely spread the virus. I view that as unnecessarily mean and stupid.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Boo, if anything makes me truly sad it is the dissension that has become a part of American politics is getting in the way of effectively dealing with a real problem for everyone. The countries that are dealing with this the most effectively are ones where there is a leader that has built a consensus, look at New Zealand. As far as media hype, while it is overkill, the facts are still there to be checked out via other sources. You and I would have to agree to disagree as to what our constitution actually guarantees us. I believe that we have the rights to speak freely, but not necessarily to do something that will cause harm to other people. The yokels shouting unmasked, congregating shoulder to shoulder, brandishing their guns on Michigans capitol just because they can, were free to do so because their rights were legally guaranteed. Police were there to protect their right to protest the state government's decisions. They also likely spread the virus. I view that as unnecessarily mean and stupid.
Emphasis on stupid. Not really mean, more like poorly informed. Typically, citizens left to their own devices tend to self destruct. The issue with Covid and it's penchant for level of infecting others makes it paramount to practice social distancing and use mitigation practices such as masks.

While I'm pro 2A and own many firearms and hunt and carry legally here in Michigan, I was totally shocked by their total lack of common sense. I was also 'invited' to attend but I did not. Not my style at all. Just got an invitation to attend yet another 'protest' from the Michigan Conservative League. I won't attend that either. I have no 'sane' desire to mingle with possibly asymptomatic individuals, protesting something that is a common sense issue. Called 'Operation Haircut' after the Owosso barber.

Again, with him, I found Nessel's revocation order of his license to be extreme due to the fact that there was no due process and I also find Whitmer's EO's to be thinly veiled trampling of Michigander's Constitutional rights (US Constitution), however, if the barber is any indication of what a citizen will do concerning mitigation and social distancing, I guess the draconian actions of Whitmer and Nessel are justified.

Finally, I believe Whitmer will be a one term governor. She's really pizzed off the citizens of Michigan, not that I ever found her to be palatable in the first place. I didn't and I did not vote for her but then again I didn't vote for Schutte either. Far as I was concerned, 2 peas in a pod.



L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
Peoples who want to get back to work and feed their family have now been framed as selfish people who want to go out and party and kill us all. There are a lot of people in this country and around the world that are not as fortunate as those that are advocating staying home indefinitely (yes an exaggeration). They do not have a savings account to fall back on, and are scarred. There are many that never had to think about where their next meal is coming from, but are now faced with that very real question. They have others dependent on them, and they feel they are letting them down, and don't see a way to fix their situation. They have some real fears and legitimate concerns that can get to be a bigger problem than the virus. So please don't discount their wanting their freedom back as a selfish act. People sitting on their big bank accounts or still getting a check because they are essential (selling pot[emoji849]), and then turn their noses down at people who want to get back to work are selfish. How is that helpfull. For all you that will say "they should have saved for a rainy day like I did", then you probably don't remember when you started out, or were given your start.

Perhaps we should just let the government take care of them. Right... we all know how that is going to work out. First there is the bureaucracy that if you are patient enough to get through, then you may get you pittance, but will likely be 2 weeks to late (or later based on the garbage Congress pulls). The other issue is the government's money is your money, and they will be digging into your pocket deeper to pay for all this. Eventually, everything you have spent a lifetime saving will be in the governments hands to redistribute.

The governments have been getting more and more punitive as people are getting fed up being held back. What the fed, state, and local governments should have been doing when they first shut us down was start working with businesses to figure out ways to get back to work safely. Such as reconfigure work stations, sanitization, masks, and endorsing distancing to name just a few. In manufacturing when parts are being handled and passed down to the next person, perhaps have the parts sit in UV light for a short time prior to the next person handling the parts. The point is, they could have been more productive letting the great people of their states figure out how to get back to work safely, by feeding them with information on how to protect themselves, sharing best practices, and monitor to make sure businesses are following through. And perhaps even providing some (not all) funding to help them with the initial reconfiguration cost to start back up. If the governmental bodies had spent their time being helpful, instead of constantly looking for new ways to apply more pressure on peoples throat with their boot, then maybe we could have been going back to work after four weeks. Instead, they try to perpetuate the shut down by being deceitful, demeaning, threatening, and exaggerate to get the masses back in line. In Kentucky, I thought a church had a great idea - they held church in the parking lot. You could (and should) stay in you car and list to the service on the radio. Some people were really thinking this through, and found a way to be able to come together as a church during a bad situation. What did the local government do: they threatened arrests and put down nail spikes to keep them from doing it again. What should the local government done: congratulated them on their inventive approach to staying safe, and reminded the church they should police those that were trying to get together to closely with people outside there family. So they created more pent up anger. And that has been accumulating with ever stupid order that makes no sense or trivializes what they are going through.

Get out of peoples way; provide helpful data and advice; and let them figure out how to get it done. Then pass on best practices so everyone can get better at this. If you have the means and/or the necessity to stay home because you are at risk, then you should. And if more people are back to work, then taking care of people that have to stay home because they are at a higher risk becomes a lot easier to do.

Sorry for the rant.

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