Bx22, 500 hours
Read a few similar threads to get me started, starting issue is related to fuel shut off solenoid.
Engine starts but shuts off when key moved to ON position. Per suggestion I replaced solenoid with aftermarket, found fuse blown and replaced that. Tractor runs when solenoid completely removed.
Solenoid retracts when key in START, but extends when key is in ON. Blew fuse a few times while diagnosing.
Using multimeter, confirmed 12V to red wire when ON and 12V to white when start.
Should solenoid retract when ON? I'm thinking timing relay but can't find that? Any other help to diagnose?
Thank you!
The BX22 is the same vintage as my BX2200, and remember when you look at the wiring diagram, that the D905 engine does not use a timer relay.
If I remember right, one coil of the relay is powered through what must be contacts in the starter.
The solenoid armature (plunger rod) stays retracted when the engine is supposed to be running. If yours is not, that is the issue. I do not recall which coil is energized by the starter circuit...how quick one forgets details as he gets older!
There was a thread about this exact thing recently, with some diagrams posted by DaveENG and some details posted by me.
Perhaps you already saw it. I remember there could be two fuses involved with the run solenoid, but one might be the 30 fuse.
Sounds like you may have a shorted/grounded wire in the leg that is blowing the fuse. Does it blow when the solenoid is disconnected? (But looking at your post again, you mention that you have voltage on both wires, I assume that is with the solenoid unplugged?)
Note that the starter will not turn when the solenoid is disconnected. What is inside the starter is not clearly defined by the electrical schematic, but with my solenoid disconnected it acts the same as it would with a start safety circuit issue. I think the start coil of the solenoid is powered by the safety circuit, but did not confirm this.
Not sure if anything I typed above will help. If you find that thread I referred to, I think I listed the ohm readings of the replacement solenoid I got.
One other thought. Did you happen to remove and reconnect any wires? The solenoid as I remember had two ohm readings that were different. One was low, the other higher. If the wires were reversed I can see the problem you are experiencing happening.
Measure the resistance of the solenoid coils. Make sure the one with the lowest resistance is connected to the wire which comes from the starter. They could be reversed in the aftermarket solenoid you bought, if you did not do any wiring removal/replacement.