Guys I have to pipe in here, and I know Im singing to the choir. I have investigated a bunch of roll overs, where there were some just scuffs and other fatalities. Modifying the ROPS can be done sure, but Lord forbid you roll it over and something really nasty happens if the ROPS collapses.
I investigated an accident where a Cat dozer had a home made ROPS, it was done right hydro formed bends and the welds done by a guy that knew how to weld things like this, problem was the operator rolled it over a spoil bank and one end crushed under the weight of the dozer and the rolling action going over backwards, and he died. His life insurance company would not pay his family because the ROPS was not certified by a PE.
Another was a modified ROPS, and when the family took the company to court for damages they lost, why because the ROPS had been modified and not certified by a PE.
All Im saying guys is yes the ROPS is a PIA a lot of times but should you go to hacking and welding on it the ROPS is no longer certified to do what it was meant to do.
Remember Murphy's law,, any thing that can happen, will happen and usually does when you least expect it.

Thus ends this mornings sermon