Well so it’s been a while since I’ve updated. I still haven’t got a tractor and after a few a few storms of life have blown by Im now back on the hunt. I believe I’m gonna get my name on the list for a l4060le. I have a few questions for you guys. As far as gravel driveway maintenance (which I'm hoping to get some side work from existing clients) I'm getting a top n tilt kit a box blade and I'm trying to decide between a landscape rake and a rear blade. My thinking is that either of them can pull gravel back up on the road but which one would be better for finish work. Your opinions would be greatly appreciated. My salesman also has the BB1572 as his recommendation for the box blade.
Now for my second question is the hot topic of grapples. The salesman has a SGC1060 grapple on the list. I know that EA makes one of the the best grapples and their are many other good products out there. But i need it with the tractor and would love to have it bundled in the financing. With that in mind does Landpride make any other style of grapples and do yall have any experience with them? I'm planning on to start processing my own firewood and clearing and reclaiming some of my land. I'm thinking a dual lid grapple may be best, thoughts?
Also he has the RCR1872 cutter on there. Reviews? Problems? Heavy duty enough for side work?
thanks in advance
Now for my second question is the hot topic of grapples. The salesman has a SGC1060 grapple on the list. I know that EA makes one of the the best grapples and their are many other good products out there. But i need it with the tractor and would love to have it bundled in the financing. With that in mind does Landpride make any other style of grapples and do yall have any experience with them? I'm planning on to start processing my own firewood and clearing and reclaiming some of my land. I'm thinking a dual lid grapple may be best, thoughts?
Also he has the RCR1872 cutter on there. Reviews? Problems? Heavy duty enough for side work?
thanks in advance