Prob full day if all 3 kits are in the crate. You need to uncrate everything, with them placed close to the machine. Then take the wheels off the back, suggest a side at a time. The factory loader bracket is replaced by the new bh subframe. The hydraulics require the seat pan lifted. I believe it is a 1-1/16 wrench you need for the cross over tube removal. Once the subframe, and hydraulic loop have been added you drive up to the de-crated(crate sides removed) bh, and lift it to the tractor with the hydraulic loop. Will take unhooking a few times to get straight the first time. Then you can lift and place the dipper stick on the boom. It is pretty self explanatory. Heavy parts, so help is a must for positioning parts. The BH subframe is easiest to install with the front single bolt loose, and lift the rear into place by sliding bolts in as it is lifted.