B5200 starting issues


New member
Mar 5, 2017
Tarboro nc
Newbie here.

I inherited a kubota 5200 from my father and just recently got it down here and can't get it running.

What I do know:

Dad had gotten it about a year before but never used it. It ran when he parked it.

Dad could not get it running but was able to get it to fire up with carb spray.

It turns over.

Looks like dad used regular diesel in it. He drained the old fuel out and put some new in.

The glow plug indicator does not glow however it does heat up and gets warm as I can feel the heat.

Fuel does flow through the pump.

That is about all I know. Thanks much from this newbie tractor owner.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Re: 5200 starting issues

Lets start off with the model first,model number usually has a letter designation before the numbers,and sometimes after. It helps identify exactly which machine you are tinkering with.

Forgot to say welcome to the forum, theres lots of great peoples here with knowledge that are willing to share.

Lastly, please keep the starting fluid away from that engine. They arent like the old detroit diesels and cant put up with even the smallest amount.

Perhaps bleeding the injectors would be a good place to start,there is all kinds of videos covering this, for the most part they are similar.https://youtu.be/XJn2kDnWQPU
Service dept vic has a good one.
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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Re: 5200 starting issues

Do what Tooljunkie said and give us some model details.

When it turns over, does it even smoke at all? Does it turn over at a speed that seems correct? Or does it limp over?

How many hours on it? If not several thousand then it should be "ok" for compression.

Update us on the info - and we'll try to help you!


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Re: 5200 starting issues

Tarriverarms, welcome.

You mention, "Looks like dad used regular diesel in it. He drained the old fuel out and put some new in.

The glow plug indicator does not glow however it does heat up and gets warm as I can feel the heat.

Fuel does flow through the pump."

Your reference to "regular diesel" is fine. Does not matter if the diesel is for an over the road truck, or died red for off road use. The only difference is the dye in the off road to indicate no taxes have been paid. Same fuel, different colors.

Since the tractor has been setting for a while, I would suggest to remove the old fuel and add new. The old may very well be fine, but you want to eliminate all possible problems to get your tractor running. Who knows, it may have some water in it.

Replace the fuel filter. Obtain the new filter from a Kubota dealer.

Be sure you battery is in good condition. A diesel will not start, even if all other things are perfect, if the engine is not turning over fast enough.

Bleed the fuel at the injectors as TJ suggested. Go to the top of this page where is says "search" and spend some time learning about your fuel system. Look on YouTube for actual examples. If you have questions come back with specific things you have done, and what is not happening that concerns you.

You simply loosen the nuts at the top of the injectors a few turns. Then have your throttle on full blast. Then with the starter switch turn the engine over for a 15 second burst (with all the injector nuts lose). Let your starter cool off for 25-30 seconds before doing the same process again. (NO NOT let your starter get too hot or it will be your next problem/expense).

After 5 or 6 times of this process, you should be seeing some diesel coming out the fuel lines. There will be bubbles in the fuel. That is the air that you need to eliminate to get your engine to run.

When you get a good flow of fuel without any bubbles tighten the nut. Do each injector as you see a good flow of fuel. When you get the nuts tight, you're ready for your Hallelujah moment!

When the engine starts it may run rough, but quickly it will smooth out.

Have fun!!

As Tooljunkie, said DO NOT use any starting fluid. You could destroy your engine in short order!!


New member
Mar 5, 2017
Tarboro nc
Re: 5200 starting issues

Thanks for the tips.

B series tractor

About 626 hours

Will try bleeding off and doing some research.

Thanks for the help guys.


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Re: 5200 starting issues

Thanks for the tips.

B series tractor

About 626 hours

Will try bleeding off and doing some research.

Thanks for the help guys.
Ok - you are doing better, WHAT B series is it? (need a number - I.E. B7100, B7800 etc) Gear, HST? not that every B is completely different, but there can be subtle differences that we need to know.

Does it have a compression release knob on the front dash?


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
85Hokie, quit pestering the new poster.....B5200. You been watching too many BB games, get your attention on the subject.:D:D

Three cyl. little tractor. He's got him a dandy when he gets it going. Made from '83-'96 according to Tractor Data. and they had the PTO spinning the proper direction!!


New member
Mar 5, 2017
Tarboro nc
Re: 5200 starting issues

Ok - you are doing better, WHAT B series is it? (need a number - I.E. B7100, B7800 etc) Gear, HST? not that every B is completely different, but there can be subtle differences that we need to know.

Does it have a compression release knob on the front dash?

Gear, have no idea?

Compression release knob - yes that I saw the video.

North Idaho Wolfman

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Crank the fuel lines on the top of the injectors, set throttle to high, crank for short periods, giving the starter a short time to cool back down, look for bubbles in fuel coming out of cracked lines, when it looks clear, tighten lines and start.

100 td

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B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
If it has a decompression knob, then you can use it to make the turning of the engine easier while cranking and bleeding the injectors, as well as to assist starting an engine that has not been run for a while.
While bleeding, use the decompressor lever to reduce load on the starter motor.
After bleeding injectors, ensure engine/fuel stop rod isn't pulled (if it has one), use decompressor lever to decompress the engine, crank engine up to full speed with starter motor and when it gets to full speed with starter, continue to hold starter on and release the decompression lever, continue cranking and see if engine will fire.


New member
Mar 5, 2017
Tarboro nc
Re: 5200 starting issues

When you get a good flow of fuel without any bubbles tighten the nut. Do each injector as you see a good flow of fuel. When you get the nuts tight, you're ready for your Hallelujah moment!
D2Cat, when you say a steady flow of fuel, do you mean like a stream or a spurt? I am currently getting a spurt of fuel coming out.

Also does the lever on the filter need to be in the down or thesideways position?


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Re: 5200 starting issues

D2Cat, when you say a steady flow of fuel, do you mean like a stream or a spurt? I am currently getting a spurt of fuel coming out.

Also does the lever on the filter need to be in the down or thesideways position?
Sorry for beating you up with the questions, the long week made me crazy or stupid.....or both!:D:)

The lever on fuel should be vertical and the fuel should do a little more than spurt, should spit a good bit, then again - depends on the amount a "crack" that you opened each injector. After a while - it should be all fuel, making a mess.....but no more bubbles or air spitting.


New member
Mar 5, 2017
Tarboro nc
Re: 5200 starting issues

Sorry for beating you up with the questions, the long week made me crazy or stupid.....or both!:D:)

The lever on fuel should be vertical and the fuel should do a little more than spurt, should spit a good bit, then again - depends on the amount a "crack" that you opened each injector. After a while - it should be all fuel, making a mess.....but no more bubbles or air spitting.
I've done it several times still getting spurts with bubbles. I'll keep trying tomorrow or later this week.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
You're on the right track. Have to get rid of ALL air bubbles. Make sure you don't overheat your starter. Patience......

Russell King

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Put the throttle full on to help more fuel flow during cranking.

You may want to first start out verifying that you have good fuel flow out of tank, out of filter into injector pump by disconnecting the fuel line at different locations.

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Feb 27, 2017
echo bay
I know it sounds silly. But on my b4200 I had a similar issue when I first bought it used a few months ago. Turned out to that the fuel tank was air locking. Loosened the fuel cap a bit an havnt had any issues

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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
If it has a decompressor, please check it under the hood where it connects, make sure cable is straight. Iffn its bent that could be your problemo.


New member

Jul 20, 2022
Re: 5200 starting issues

Do what Tooljunkie said and give us some model details.

When it turns over, does it even smoke at all? Does it turn over at a speed that seems correct? Or does it limp over?

How many hours on it? If not several thousand then it should be "ok" for compression.

Update us on the info - and we'll try to help does the b5200 have glow plug relay haveing same problem new glo plugs new incator new ingnition swich butbincator show nothing