Background: I recently picked up an old B5100E. It doesn't have an hour meter so I have no idea how many it has. It blows a puff of black smoke on start up but none after that. The oil was BLACK when I got it and I have no idea how many hours were on that oil and filter so I changed it. I had planned to run it for about 6 hours and change it out again.... Mowed last week for about 3 hours with no problem, then yesterday I was mowing and was about 2 hours in when I noticed the oil pressure light came on. I shut her down and checked the oil level, it was fine. I started it back up and got it to the garage and went ahead and changed the oil and put some fresh Rotella in. checked coolant and everything seemed to be okay so I went back to mowing. Mowed for another 1/2 hour and the light never came back, shut the tractor down and went in to get a drink of water and to move some things so I could finish mowing... went to fire it back up and the battery was dead. It turned the engine over once and stopped. I jumped it off of my truck and finished mowing for about another 1/2 hour. Shut it down and the battery was dead again. This time I pulled the batter out to put it on the charger in the garage. I jumped the tractor again and glanced the battery terminals against each other and there was a spark so I know the dyno is charging just not sure how much. When I hooked the battery up to my charger it immediately said it was 75% charged and this morning when I went out it showed complete so I guess I'll give it another try.
1) why would the oil pressure light would come on after running a few hours and then go off after the oil change?
2) any idea how/where to add an oil pressure gauge? I would prefer to monitor rather than rely on a dummy light.
3) will a dyno slowly die and stop charging enough to keep the battery up or do they just go dead?
4) anyone on here have experience with adding an alternator?
1) why would the oil pressure light would come on after running a few hours and then go off after the oil change?
2) any idea how/where to add an oil pressure gauge? I would prefer to monitor rather than rely on a dummy light.
3) will a dyno slowly die and stop charging enough to keep the battery up or do they just go dead?
4) anyone on here have experience with adding an alternator?