During the summer I completed one auto regen and one parked regen.Drsii, have you been able to do a parked regen successfully?
I throttled up to 2500 and continued to clear a field. The auto regen completed successfully in about 30 minutes.
After about 20-30 hours of further use the regen light lit up again. This time I parked. throttled to idle and pressed the regen light. The parked regen kicked in and over about a 30-45 minute period it would throttle up to max for about 5 minutes. then it would throttle down a bit and do the burn off where you get the smoke. It did that about 3-5 time until the light went off and what I assume completed successfully.
I should get my tractor back early next week and will report back any further issues. So far the dealer, who i spoke with this morning and who seems genuinely interested and dedicated to solving the issue has done the following.
- Ran diagnostics
- Applied software udpates from kubota
- Replaced the DPF thermostat
I'm told, but will believe it when I see the bill all has been done in-kind from kubota.