In my experience (retired letter carrier) 99% of the pets I've met over the years tend to take on they're parents disposition which tells me we have pretty some awesome pet owners on this forum.

I've found that statement to be so true. Just in the places I've visited that have animals.
The odd case though is when someone has a pooch that has a high drive (herding dog, working breed, really smart breeds) and not giving the them a job.
Old renters next door had a couple mini ausies that tried to herd anyone or anything. Dogs almost got punted when I went to the mail box and they decided I needed to be somewhere else [emoji14] I was in shorts and flip flops. Nothing like an ankle biter nipping at your ankles.
After a talk with the owners, they decided on obedience training, and agility training. Working with the dog 15 minutes a few times a day settled them down considerably.
Gypsy was the same way as a pup till puppy school. She settled down on the herding. Then really came in to her own when we took her to a proper trainer instead of the pet store trainers.
This is Calvin, the trainer we used. Gypsy was in for obedience so the stuff in the video was actually her distractions
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