Anyone own a New Holland LX865 turbo?

John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
I also see there is a way to tilt the cab forward once the arms are UP

from what I see NH requires a special jack and stop support... so it doesn't go 'azz over teakettle' :ROFLMAO:

I'm sure I could fabricate something if needed in the future ... sure would be easier if the cab was forward...
but for now first thing is to get it to run.
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Active member
Apr 6, 2016
Lifting the boom without any attachments shouldn't require all that much lifting power. As for raising the boom with auxiliary power, my guess there is it would take more work and make about as much mess. It would require climbing into the cab, interrupting lines to and from the main control valve or removing the lines from the valve to the boom lift cylinders and plugging into them with extension hoses to reach your power unit. I guess you could go that route if you choose to.
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John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
Could also be from the motor being simply too hard to turn over. That brings other issues into play.
Don't mind me, I'm just thinkin out loud...

I got a PDF file of the repair manual and was reading that if the aux/high flow switch is on ...
it could make starting hard.
makes me wonder if the switch is bad ....

North Idaho Wolfman

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Don't mind me, I'm just thinkin out loud...

I got a PDF file of the repair manual and was reading that if the aux/high flow switch is on ...
it could make starting hard.
makes me wonder if the switch is bad ....
Yep seen that same thing happen on other equipment.
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John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
I'm pretty sure that your unit is like mine and it takes motor oil as hydraulic oil.
This is critical as the oil also lubes the drive motors and hydraulic oil lacks the additives to lube the motors, so check on that.
Yes I just read that in the manual. 10w30

much better smell when it spills all over the place. :LOL:

John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
Got the skid home today.... helps to have friends with a hoist. :cool:

looks like it's a 1999
got the boom up in the air... glad the wife wasn't around to watch that one....
actually wasn't too bad. I removed the rear pin on cyl. and lifted with the bx.... came up about 1" too short at the stops and had to put the forks on and use a chain on the fork tips (which are drilled)

spent a lot of time digging out oak leaves/hay/sawdust/horse manure and everything else from the engine bay and cab.... blew it all out with air..... gonna lightly power warsh it 2-morrow.
Battery is stone dead... battery tender won't touch it.... blinking red indicating fault. It's toast.

after I get it a bit cleaner I will dig into diagnosis.

yeah... I need a couple new tars...


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John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
Did a little cleanup yesterday... I can finally SEE the engine....
dropped the skid plate to clean out the rest of the hay and horse crap.... Friggin Farmers.... :ROFLMAO:
as far as my electrical issue... pretty sure the starter solenoid is bad. I jumped the relay and the solenoid clicks with a tap of a hammer.... then nothing. (thats with a good battery AND a booster on it)
So I got a starter coming.... gonna cheat death today hopefully and try to set the bead on a couple tires... ether can and fire extinguisher at the ready...


John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
I think you're getting warm. Looks like your starter did too.
I'm actually thinking it's the starter RELAY on the firewall...

This is the second starter the previous owner installed....

My thought is... keyswitch sends signal to RELAY ... Relay turns on and sends power to the solenoid trigger wire... (on the starter)

So if the relay sticks and continues to send power... The starter will continue to run AFTER the engine starts.... Probably can't hear it with the machine running....

that would explain the end of the Armature roasting against the brushes


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2015
Malcolm NE
I would go over the wiring primary and secondary with a fine tooth comb. I have seen bad relays, battery cables and half bad batteries burn up good starters. If he bought that starter aftermarket that can be a issue also. There are a lot of junk starters out there. Had a friend that didn't want to buy a complete set of batteries for his semi and kept screwing around charging batteries and jumping the truck and ended up burning the starter up and still had to buy four batteries and a starter also.
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