I think a lot of guys that have purchased the L2501 did so for it's simplicity.
In my case extra wiring and a switch just gives the mice something more to chew on! LOL.
I would be ok without turn signals and bright/dim lights and associated switch and wiring.
I get this. But don't have too much mice around here and the tractor lives in a climate controlled garage. I'm not worried about that too much, I've wired a lot of things in "toys" I had over the years...when I did all the wiring in my Polaris ranger...I got praised by Polaris HQ
I got asked if I wanted a job, thought they were joking. Wished I took it hahaha.
But yeah out thousand miles of wiring I have done in toys and cars, never had mice chew anything expect factory wiring on a Toyota truck and apparently that's due to Toyota using a certain insulation that nice like... believe it's soy-based. Kubota is Japanese like Toyota sooooo I sure hope Kubota didn't use soy-based insulation.
But the truck lives outside and the tractor lives in the garage