I am not necessarily the guy to talk to about filters...
I am a guy with opinions about filters.
My opinions are based on personal experience and direct comparison.
I have opened my choices of filters and compared what is inside. There are definite differences as to what you will find. Both in quantity and quality.
Quantity is easy to see and quality is rather subjective, but you will see some structural difference. Valve, springs and supports. Open several yourself, you do not need to be an engineer to see what is inside new, NOT used filters.
I'm not going to try to prove there is a difference, you can spend a few $$ and draw your own conclusions.
Using a fram is not necessarily going to destroy your engine, the same as using mineral oil vs synthetic... But if you want to use the best for your $$ you should see what to avoid as well as what is best for your application.
Like I said "I can not imagine what filter could be worse than a FRAM" (and I have a fairly good imagination). I have seen some that are better. and I use them.
