Hi royboy,I wasn't try to diagnose the problems.
Just showing the OP where the hyd. screen is on his tractor and how to tell when it's had enough fluid dumped in it.
I suspect that filling that cavity up to the fill hole would be an excessive waste of hyd fluid maybe even another 5 gallon pail. Which would be wasting 30 dollars.
Just trying to inform and save a brother some money not diagnose.
Many apologies to you if my post came across as demeaning. The worst methods of communication is this. Texting, emailing and it's all in the forum's. There is no way to determine the mind set of the person's intent without voice deflection or facial expressions.
Basically on my previous post I was inquiring about how this particular tractor works as compared to what I have experience on. Airplanes. I really didn't know if there was or was not a vent on this tractor or how it actually functioned.
The reason I made the comment about throwing myself to the blood thirsty hounds is also from my experience. Making any type of questioning statements on a forum can be very humbling, at the least, by the the people responding who do know how a system works.
So I was preparing myself for the forth coming blood bath of explanations on how I was wrong. Sort of like me sticking my ass out there and learning how a three point hitch actually works on MY tractor (very embarrassing) and that not all Kubota engines have water circulation pumps. Both very humbling experiences
Damn, I'm not even making sense with this
You did a great job on researching for the OP and I didn't.
Take care roy and hope to see you on the forums!
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