Well I am beginning to think my truck is never going to run again, or I am going to have to get it towed someplace else with its engine parts in a cardboard box

The new guy who has a nice shop building next to his house, is NOT like TJ alas. I think he has ADHD. He may be a really nice guy, he spent at least one of the intervening weeks driving a grain truck for a buddy who hurt his hand, but he never tells me the same thing twice, and I can't tell if he is just making up stories or what. Or if he optimistically thinks he can do more than he can. In any case my truck has been there 6 weeks and it doesn't run.
Week 1 he was gone , I knew that, he'd said he could get to it first thing Monday.
Week 2 he said he could get it to run for 45 sec by priming it, no smoke, but there was a Cub Cadet and a truck ahead of mine ( that wasn't there when I first called

Week 3 thought it was a lift pump he'd have to take the fuel tank down, oh and did I mind if he put in new batteries, mine weren't holding a charge. I said fine it was on mylist of things to check before winter.
Week 4 he had discovered that this truck didn't have a lift pump, there was some kind of prepump embedded in the high pressure pump.
Week 5 he said he'd ordered a pump but it didn't come with the gaskets he needed. I said where did you get the pump and he said he googled 2003 duramax and got it off the internet, and I blew a fuse, slow blow as it took me a while after I hung up, sent him a text to say if he'd just gone to local dealer and bought it there we'd be done by now. Turned out he didn't really have it yet was going to get pump from local diesel parts supplier and gaskets from dealer.???
Week 6 he called and said he was sorry but he got it to run a little longer with the new pump, and it was smoking bad and so he thought it was an injector after all. Oh and did I mind if he put a new idler pulley on it. This was Wed before Thanksgiving. His favorite diesel store had Bosch remanufacture by Bosch injectors, and so I drove over and got them hoping he would get on it over the long weekend. No luck so far.
I have wandered the internet looking for a shop manual, diesel supplement, and parts manual like we have online for our tractors, and there seems to be all
sorts of junk out there, but not what I am looking for. I am thinking he is winging it without torque values, and when I mentioned shop manual to him he pooh-poohed the idea of finding one. If he'd had a shop manual he'd have known it didn't have a lift pump in or near the fuel tank. Any sources?
The bad news is I can't even drive it to the mall and hope someone steals it.