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  1. Butch

    Running hot water (household hot, not steam) thru a standard pressure washer

    OK... here it goes. I have a hot water frost proof spigot outside my house AND I got the brainy idea to hook it to my pressure washer. Worked great for about an hour which at that point the pump seized "tighter than a mouse's ear". Well... my advice would be don't do it unless you want a new...
  2. Butch

    Best way to give tractor a good wash?

    Ask your wife, significant other, girlfriend or partner to do it for you and tell them they may get a percentage of the sale.....
  3. Butch

    You guys saved my bacon!

    Now you suggest it....:rolleyes:
  4. Butch

    BX2370 run away

    Not even broke in....(y)
  5. Butch

    You guys saved my bacon!

    Doing a ground up 100% restoration on my RCK60-24B while in the process of replacing the deck shell. I had replaced the gearbox assembly a about three years ago so that was pretty much the only part of the deck that did not get a make over. Here is the part where the "preservation" of my bacon...
  6. Butch

    BX2370 run away

    Just curious... what year is the BX2370 and how many hours are on it?
  7. Butch


    Also.... keep a close eye on where the shims go and don't mix them up.... just saying.
  8. Butch

    Front Right Drive Oil Leak - B7500 with 351 hours

    I did both sides while I had it in garage... took me three days (I am old and slow, not in any hurry). The Permatex liquid gasket was the 24 hour setting time one..... so that's what took the most time. Like Wolfman said... a good set of snap ring pliers is a must. I picked up a cheap set from...
  9. Butch

    Front Right Drive Oil Leak - B7500 with 351 hours

    This is not a biggy labor intensive repair... I did it on my B2410. Took me longer to clean everything up before assembly than it did to replace the seal and assemble.
  10. Butch

    LED Bulbs

    I did do ONE more thing. With a permanent marker I made note of the polarity modification under the hood near the reconnection AND noted the modification and the reason for it in my WSM.
  11. Butch

    LED Bulbs

    On my B2410 I had to reverse the wires on my head lights to correct the polarity. That's all...
  12. Butch

    Newbie to Kubota

    Welcome to the most useful Kubota website ever! The guys (and gals) that frequent the site are the folks that realize their tractors are an investment, a tool to make life easier and pretty much a passion to keep them alive and mechanically well.
  13. Butch

    I have a friend and he tore into the fuel pump on a F2400

    I passed along all the info we collected on rebuilding the fuel pump on the F2400. He pretty much laughed and said he can easily do it. I asked him where he got his info. You Tube! I then asked what was his query on you tube to come up with all his info. He said he just typed in "Kubota F2400...
  14. Butch

    I have a friend and he tore into the fuel pump on a F2400

    I have a friend that is a maintenance man at a local Catholic school. What he asked me is light years above my pay grade regarding the school's F2400. Bottom line the engine was leaking fuel and he determined it was from the injector pump. He tore into it and now he has parts that came off/out...
  15. Butch

    B2650 hydro pedal creeps out of neutral

    My bearing was shot! All but 2 of the balls were there and the outer race just fell off in my hand. It took a little bit of time but it worked like a charm! I took a little stone grinder and a Dremel tool to gently grind the inner race. When I got close to breaking through .... it just popped...
  16. Butch

    B2650 hydro pedal creeps out of neutral

    George.... I remember the "little" ball earing that rides on the cam plate that is actuated by the movement of the fwd/rev pedal. It was ca challenge to get to with out having to split the tractor... but I finally got it.