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  1. KubotaTech

    Shuttle Shift Agravation

    If it suddenly happens when it is warmed up, I also think it would prob. be something with the shuttle control valve.
  2. KubotaTech

    B1-16 Hydraulic Lift don't work properly.

    Check to see if the feedback rod is adjusted correctly. There is mostlikely a small threaded rod attached to the hitch arms. This rod is what tells the hitch valve to raise and when to shut off. Back the rod off the whole way and see if the hitch still raises. If this changes what is...
  3. KubotaTech

    M 110 Shuttleshift

    If you remove the shift cover on top of the transmission, under the floor plate, the solenoids are on the bottom side of the cover, i think. Sorry I am not certain, but I only heard of this one other time. When you remove the solenoid from the cover there is a small screen that filter the dirt...
  4. KubotaTech

    Cutting Height Control Dial Slips

    Sounds like there may be something missing, the cutting height dials usually have detents at the different heights so it should feel like it goes into a different notch at every height. This also would hold the knob in one spot, along with the weight of the deck keeps the knob from turning.
  5. KubotaTech

    PTO Question

    The PTO pressure on these tractors was being set too high from the factory causing a noise and possibly some hyd fluid leaks. That may or may not have anything to do with your fluid leak. If the dealer adjusted the PTO pressure, it may effect your engagement time.
  6. KubotaTech

    B3200 Hitch pressure line failure

    Had a B3200 in the shop that the hitch pressure line cracked. Found there is a new revised line to install for a repair. There is a serial number break so be sure to order the right one. Somebody else installed the line and the customer took his tractor. He used it about a hour and the new...
  7. KubotaTech

    B2710 no fuel

    You can crak open the bolt at the injection pump to see if there is a fuel supply. If there is, you can crack open your injection lines and see if they are pumping any fuel out to the injectors.
  8. KubotaTech

    B2710 no fuel

    From the fuel tank, the fuel line runs to the filter. The filter has an auto shutoff so when you remove the filter to change it, the fuel shuts itself off. There is a small line off the top of the filter that goes to the tank, which is a return line to bleed air from the fuel line. From the...
  9. KubotaTech

    BX mower deck failures

    Has anybody else seen this problem? The side pulleys on the new BX 1860/2360/2660/25 midmount mowers come loose and destroy themselves. The four small bolts- size 13mm head- should be checked to be sure they are tight. I have seen a couple of these come loose and you end up having to replace...
  10. KubotaTech

    Changing Hydraulic Filters

    Yeah, you lose a crapload of fluid, and there is no easy way to catch it. You can try to park it on a hill sideways but if you have to all but roll it to make it so you dont lose any. You are better off draining out some fluid into a clean bucket then changing the filters and adding the fluid...
  11. KubotaTech

    Shuttle Shift Agravation

    Check to see if the clutch cable is still hooked in moves the control valve spool correctly. Check the shuttle cable as well. Does the tractor drive if it is put in 4wd? Does the PTO work?
  12. KubotaTech

    RTV900 Pump shaft

    That is pretty slick, thanks for posting that idea for the rest of us.
  13. KubotaTech


    When it shut off, was the fuel pump still pumping? I assume it cranks but does not start. With the key in the on position, you should be able to hear the fuel pump pumping and see fuel in the filters. Any smoke while cranking?
  14. KubotaTech

    RTV900 Pump shaft

    I know you can get all of the rotating groups out when removing the valve block, but not 100% sure about the shaft.
  15. KubotaTech

    3830 GST PTO Problem

    Does your steering, GST or shuttle clutch work? If so, I dont think it is a pump problem, could be a damaged clutch pack.
  16. KubotaTech

    L2900 Hydraulic leak - Help!

    If you have a leak from inside the clutch housing it is probably the front drive shaft seals that are located inside the clutch housing. You have to split the tractor to get to them. If you are losing fluid, that large of an amount without it running, that is probably what it is.
  17. KubotaTech

    m6800 using water

    If you use an antifreeze tester you can see how concentrated the antifreeze is. Depending where you live you want at least 50/50 mix. A radiator pressure tester would also help to find if you are leaking somewhere.
  18. KubotaTech

    Rear main seal leak zd326 p-60

    Yes I have done this repair, and have seen a few others done. You have to remove the engine, flywheel, and rear main seal cover. You install the sleeve, seal and new gaskets for the cover, then reinstall the engine.
  19. KubotaTech

    Rear main seal leak zd326 p-60

    There is a service bulletin from kubota for this issue. They have a revised seal made from a different material and a wear sleeve to be put on. There is a special driver from Kubota used to install this. If they give you a hard time about covering the cost, tell them you know there is a...
  20. KubotaTech

    strange hydraulic problem, can anyone assist.

    Your valve port marked T should go to a return line back into the transmission. There should be a PB line that you connect back to your hitch. The T line is for a direct connection to return the fluid while dumping or lowering. You hooked this to your hitch, so actually the return fluid from...