Search results

  1. billrigsby

    West Kentucky tractor parts

    Just FYI I was on the phone today with the gentleman at West Kentucky tractor parts, who basically is one of the largest salvage yards in the country for both US and Gray Market kubota's along with several other brands. They are shutting down, can't find anyone to work currently has three...
  2. billrigsby

    Swapping Tachometers

    Will a L245 Tachometer (3 Cyl - DH1101) work in a L175/1500 (2 Cyl - Z750) ? Read accurately?
  3. billrigsby

    WTB - L175, L1500 or Equivalent Tachometer

    Need a L175, L1500 or Equivalent Tachometer, mine died big time. do not care if the Hour Meter works, have an electric one. PM pics and $$ please.
  4. billrigsby

    How This 10.3-Liter, One-Cylinder Tractor ‘Runs’ at Zero RPM
  5. billrigsby

    Serious Oh-Sh*t Moment

    Posted on Facebook from Brian Mac, Outside Sales Representative at Agricon Equipment Company to Kubota Tractors & Equipment "So we sold a customer a SSV75 and he wanted it to have tracks over the tires a disc mulcher, and a heavy duty winch mount built on the back for his 20k lb winch. So it...
  6. billrigsby

    Here's another one not a Kubota actually not a tractor but adaptable?
  7. billrigsby

    For those that thought they had every implement

    Not a Kubota, nor a tractor. But still pretty cool.
  8. billrigsby

    You Bought a kABoTa Tractor

    Just some facebook nonsense!
  9. billrigsby


    Well, I changed the fuel pump on my 50 Willys and then hooked up the plow blade. Started to back up and POP, something in the clutch "gave way". got it into the shop with the tractor and found that the clutch fork just rattles and I am perpetually in neutral. Have a bad shoulder (workers comp)...
  10. billrigsby

    What causes this?

    Curious what causes this in a post, I see it from time to time...... I***8217;m wondering if someone has any reliable sources to research engine fitment. I***8217;d like to compare dimensions between different engine models including rear flywheel mounting configuration and bell housing...
  11. billrigsby

    Back From a Camping Trip

    Just back from a nice camping trip, maiden voyage of an old 70's model Steury Pop-Up. Left on the 13th (Friday) and back late last night, no problems. (no not all my stuff is 40+ years old, we do have a couple of early 2000's vehicles) :D I have had this sitting around for years and recently...
  12. billrigsby

    Leak - axle case spindle housing, L1500DT

    With the front wheels off I noticed a leak on the drivers side and it seems to be coming from the axle case spindle housing. I need to do some cleaning to confirm. After checking with the local Kubota dealer it appears that most all of the parts needed to do this repair are discontinued...
  13. billrigsby

    Tires Off - Wheel Refurbishing

    Now that all four tires are off, I have some work ahead of me. One rear and one front are in bad shape rust wise, but all four need attention. Used the Hunter TCX 640 at work to remove the rears :D and a standard tire machine for the fronts...
  14. billrigsby

    Tractor Tire Swap-Out

    Who do people use to do tire changes on the larger rear wheels? I can not find anyone who has a machine large enough to fit a 22". or Are all large like semi size tires done by hand? :confused:
  15. billrigsby

    Kubota Manuals -

    I came across this looking for a manual for my 94 Jeep, it was a link on the site, which I have used. They have 25 pages of downloadable PDF kubota manuals for a fee ($$). I do not know anything about this site, I am not endorsing this site, Just an FYI, As always...
  16. billrigsby

    L1500DT Final Drive Ratio

    I wonder if any knows the final drive ratio for the L1500 DT? or How to figure out the final drive ratio? I am looking for tires and it seems I need this to determine if the sizes I am looking at will work based on the rolling circumference. Rear RC=109.4 Front RC=77.9 Since there are no...
  17. billrigsby

    L1500 DT Tire questions

    I currently have on the rear 8.3 x 8/22 4 ply and 6-14 on the front. What do these numbers mean, 8.3 ? 8 rim width? 22 rim diameter? I once found a great post on tire sizing and rolling circumference, etc. but can not find now, looked through the tire section and posted there but got no...
  18. billrigsby

    Found this on the side of the road

    Coming home from dropping the kid off for a birthday party and saw this sitting on the side of the road, it was right were our dirt road hits the main County Road..... Turns out to be a re-bar cutter / bender, The Original Willard Cutter-Bender since 1958 (
  19. billrigsby

    Kubota L2257 Grill Guard With Hardware

    For Sale on Denver Craigs List I know nothing about it, just FYI
  20. billrigsby

    Mystery Tiller.

    For sale down the street asking 175 but negotiable, has no idea what when where why? Can anyone ID this make and model? Spins freely with no noise one end of the drive shaft is missing though.