Search results

  1. T

    G6200 snow thrower mounting

    If you are reading this, after 3 weeks, no one replied. I have figured it out and fabricated the needed brackets, It works great! I guess there's not a lot of people geeking out on 35 year old mowers.
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    Looking for Mower Deck G5200

    Hi I have an RC-48 Deck, but it needs lots of welding... Dave
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    G6200 snow thrower mounting

    Hi OTT, I have a G6200H My thrower is G2538A I am definitely missing parts, I have the book, but can someone please help? Thanks, Dave
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    G6200 Mower and snow blade

    I have the complete snow blade for a G6200, including the attachment gizmo for the rear. Also rc-48 mower, complete but has rust holes that need fixing all this is in Kinderhook , NY nine 2 nine thirty-eight eighty9. Dave
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    Living in upstate NY now

    Living in upstate NY now
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    Wanted: B6200, B7200, B8200 front bezel/grill

    Thanks. I'll check those out. Dave
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    Wanted: B6200, B7200, B8200 front bezel/grill

    Hi, I am looking for one of these too. I watched mine get pulled off by a forsythia bush, then I promptly mowed it!!!!! My wife was laughing for a bit. Anyway, if you figure something out, please PM me. Dave
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    Engine wont turn 360 deg. either way so I bought it!

    Here's a picture of the new tractor Now I am searching for the holy graille , grille.
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    Engine wont turn 360 deg. either way so I bought it!

    Thanks Guys. I took an 800 dollar chance this week and got lucky. ( I was worried for a bit though) The engine does rotate w/o the head on. YAY! Seems that someone left off the air-cleaner for some reason and the mice stored some Lentils or something in the intake. 3 little tiny grain silos...
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    Glow plug wires/removal question

    When your tractor starts poorly then you probably need glow plugs or cleaning up of the connections. My connections were corroded with rust and aluminum oxide. I just replaced my glow plugs last night, I did not remove the manifold. Plugs X3 was about 40 dollars at my Kubota dealer. The...
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    Engine wont turn 360 deg. either way so I bought it!

    B6200 Not too badly cared for. About 400 Hours and will not rotate either direction more than 330 degrees. Still a good buy at $800 since it had a 4 way snow plow on it.
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    WTB B6200 grill assembly

    Hi I need a grill for my B6200. It looks awful without it. Dave Thanks
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    Well here's one for ya

    OK it's all done , FLAT. So I'm going for the firestone 21x 800-10 turf and field.
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    Restored Kubota siting

    Gurn; Hi thanks for asking about mine. I had a backslide when my grill got pulled off by a bush and I mowed it. I just got a brush bar from the dealer I mentioned, it's a little bent but it was only 20 bucks. So I guess I'm stalled for a while on account of my G6200 which I've got done except...
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    Restored Kubota siting

    This tractor belongs to my local dealer, it is gorgeous and inspires me to restore an older tractor. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Dave
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    Don't do this

    NOW that's what I call support, I got a Picasso, some gentle ribbing and a "we're all in this together" story. You Orange tractor guys are OK . Now help me find a grill please. PS Freudian slip I misspelled grill and it came out Girl. My wife would be furious if you helped me find a girl.
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    Remove G6200 front tire

    Hi under the grease cap there's a cotter pin through a castle nut. If you removed both of those the wheel should slide right off the axle. Try rotating the wheel while pulling. I got my G6200 front tires for 30.00 each from my Kubota dealer. Attached pic
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    Don't do this

    I had the grill torn off of my B6200 by a bush in my yard. Not knowing this, I then mowed it into the pictured shape. If you have one let me know. Dave
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    Well here's one for ya

    Still holding pressure.