Not too badly cared for. About 400 Hours and will not rotate either direction more than 330 degrees.
Still a good buy at $800 since it had a 4 way snow plow on it.
View attachment 39973
Alloy brings a bit more.....Flip, scrap is $110 a ton here. That's .055 a pound. $460 a ton (.23 a pound) sounds a tad high!
Quick scrap all you tractors and equipment you'll be rich!I believe scrap steel is around 23 cents a pound.![]()
Sounds like you got a hell of a deal. now you just need some snow to try it out!Thanks Guys.
I took an 800 dollar chance this week and got lucky. ( I was worried for a bit though)
The engine does rotate w/o the head on. YAY!
Seems that someone left off the air-cleaner for some reason and the mice stored some Lentils or something in the intake. 3 little tiny grain silos.
We now know birdseed does not compress.
Probably they were trying to start the thing and gave up for the Winter. I have a dead Honda quad sitting with the plow on it ............
Anyhow: I put the head back on, but it wouldn't start, so I got some new glow plugs, now it runs smokey and I have ordered the new head gasket shim and etc.
Didn't you mean: Nothing ventured nothing "grained"?Nothing ventured nothing gained. Does it turn over with the head removed?