Search results

  1. T

    Help run away tractor

    OK, I did what Matt "Stumpy" said and this thing is running great. I am utterly amazed at the generosity and helpfulness of this forum and its members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took of the cover off that said "stop" and my slider thingy for the fuel cut off was stuck, the slider thingy for throttle was...
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    Help run away tractor

    Hi Robert. Could you send a picture of the gizmo in question. My B6200 has compression release pull knob on the left and fuel cut off knob on the right. see attached pic, (I hope) Dave
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    B5100 Rear Wheel alternative??

    I know a guy who is a parts tech. at an established kubota dealer. My wheel was rotted terminally and he found me an aftermarket wheel made in USA for like 90.00 I had to paint it orange and the offset (dish) was a little different, but it works great. Please send me a PM if you want his...
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    Help run away tractor

    Matt, Thanks for such a comprehensive reply. I am pleased with myself for understanding at least 2/3 of it. My son's girlfriend is a diesel tech and they are visiting later today. I will print this and have a go at it with them. PS Is it possible (maybe with air bleeder cock open) to have...
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    rear wheel rot B6200

    New Kubota rim is $300.00 plus and N.L.A (no longer available). I was bummed and then the parts tech found me a close aftermarket rim made right here in the USA. for about $90.00 It just needed to be painted. OH and I had to move out my hub 1" to make up for the different offset.
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    rear wheel rot B6200

    The tube was actually holding up the weight of the tractor.
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    Help run away tractor

    Hi Matt, I was too freaked by the black smoke and the fact that my car was hooked up to it by jumpers. I failed to look at the Tachometer. The RPMs seemed quite high by the sound, but I have never heard this badboy run normal, so ........ I have no idea really. I have attached a pic of the...
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    rear wheel rot B6200

    Hi, Check out this rotted wheel. And how pretty I painted up the axle too. Dave
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    Got a deal on a broken B6200

    Runaway WOW, I think the defender 90 is a total loss but the old flatbed truck will live to fight another day. Thanks for the video links. It looks like since my owners manual just got here from ebay; That I may have the air inlet valve bleeder thing open. ( it's on the injector return line...
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    Help run away tractor

    No my tractor is not on the milk carton, but you never know. This forum has a great help to me in my efforts to fix this fine machine up. What happened is: I got a clunker running after years of sitting. Changed the fuel and filter changed the air filter changed the glow plugs I bled it and...
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    Got a deal on a broken B6200

    Thanks Does anyone have experience with the governor? I could really use a schematic to help. Dave
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    Got a deal on a broken B6200

    It was more like Yes!!! OH Crap!!!! Am I going to die over a 500 dollar busted tractor?? Hey gang, the compression release thing works great now. Dave
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    Got a deal on a broken B6200

    OK I got it started, and then it went like full throttle out of control. The throttle lever had no response, AND the kill switch, linkage did nothing to stop it. It's a monster, I had to completely choke off all the air to stop it. Thanks for your help, YES, I searched tractor wont stop in the...
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    Got a deal on a broken B6200

    OK Well, Thanks for the replies. I will run the search bar on this topic too. Matt, I had good fuel flow on outer cylinders but the center one was a little weak, like it was seeping rather than squirting. I will be checking the glow plugs . and probably pulling the valve cover to fing why the...
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    Got a deal on a broken B6200

    Hi Guys this is my first post, I bought a b6200 for 500.00 this week!!!!!!!!!!! It's been sitting for a couple years, I changed the fuel and the fuel filter. Blead it per the video on this site/ youtube. I got a new battery and I cant get it to start. It turns over smoothly whit a little white...