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  1. P

    Rotary Tiller FL850

    I finally finished the rebuild on my B6200D with the help of my neighbor. The hydraulics were also cleaned up and new o-rings installed. Life is good wheel barrel and shovel are not my first choice. I am going to restore a Kubota tiller in hopes to clear some dirt to grow a variety of berries...
  2. P

    hydraulic piston loss of pressure for 3 point hitch

    i have a b6200d with manuel transmission. rebuilt d-850 engine this year and took the screen out in transmission cleaned it up , lots of crude put new hydraulic oil almost 3 gallons and took control arm off to replace gaskets it was leaking a bit should i get to the piston and check and replace...
  3. P

    b 6200d has low pressure in hydraulics under the seat

    how to check the ring and orings for wear to the piston under the seat
  4. P

    hydraulic piston loss of pressure for 3 point hitch

    3 point hitch will not hold for very long
  5. P

    .do you need to use locktite

    ok we installed the flywheel and clutch house assembly today with a little trouble getting the right holes lined up. the metal pilot tool bob made for me worked perfect. bolts are torqued the motor looks like it is ready fly says bob. the next clear day this project is coming to an end and then...
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    .do you need to use locktite

    yup you tube university is what i call it that is why i am asking you guys kind of a second opinion on my rebuild of the b6200 engine. how about the brass ring i have does it go on the threaded shaft coming out of transmission a certain way . it sits right under the throwout bearing and back...
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    .do you need to use locktite

    thanks for the headsup i saw a guy on you tube building a 2 cylinder diesel and he was putting that sealent on the gaskets and locketite the headbolts . my neighbor said the same as you guys so thats the way we roll. the is on torqued to specs and he is in the process making a rod to slip into...
  8. P

    .do you need to use locktite

    getting ready to put head on a b6200 engine do you locktite the bolts and how about some gasket adhesive on the headgasket? its been a education to say the least fixing this .pa-sf
  9. P

    governor springs

    what is the correct way to hook up springs that runs the d-850 engine . i have rebuilt the engine 0n a b6200d now we are putting it back together. the shop book has bad pictures to look at . i think i got the correct springs hooked they right way. just checking my skill set. THANKS PA-SF
  10. P

    still getting some gaskets in to finish the rebuild on my b6200d tractor. i need some...

    still getting some gaskets in to finish the rebuild on my b6200d tractor. i need some information on the brass ring i think goes on shaft going into the clutch from the transmission , it is 1.024 outside diameter.788 inside beveled on one side/ i need to know which way it sets or if it is for...
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    what is the brass chamfered ring do to the shaft coming out of transmission and sits in front of...

    what is the brass chamfered ring do to the shaft coming out of transmission and sits in front of the throwout bearing . i am getting ready to install a d-850 engine in a b6200d tractor. the shop book shows it but no name or what it is for one side has a bigger bevel than the other side. outside...
  12. P

    set timing on b6200 d-850 engine

    ok thanks for the heads up on the timing of the gears for my rebuild . now i will be installing the oil pan and hooking the fuel injection pump which i had repaired for 546 bucks ouch ! total around 1500 bucks for just parts . i am learning the hard way as do-it- yourselfer . so when i get the...
  13. P

    set timing on b6200 d-850 engine

    my b6200d i purchased had a issue with a flat washer the size of quarter getting into the intake and bouncing around until it would let me crank the engine to purge the fuel to the injectors. after pulling the head and noticing a crack on top of the number one piston i pulled the tractor apart...
  14. P

    set timing on b6200 d-850 engine

    how come the three timing marks on the front of tractor in the gearcase do not line up again while hand cranking the engine . i have not had any response to my thread yesterday from wolfman idaho hope you are ok thanks pa-sf
  15. P

    cross hatch b6200d 3cylinder block what size flex hone and grit size?

    does any one know what the proper grit to use when putting new rings into a d-850 engine? i am going to use a flex hone to clean up the piston cylinders then replace all the bearings seals and gaskets
  16. P

    Possible hydrolock? Repair procedure?

    well i am going down the rabbit hole a little deeper, after trying to figure out the crank shaft will not rotate all the way. split tractor and have the engine out checking on the front main and back main bearings. there is a lot to look over trying to determine the problem. first thing was the...
  17. P

    ok the b6200 with the washer beating the number one piston until it broke the washer in two...

    ok the b6200 with the washer beating the number one piston until it broke the washer in two pieces is getting deeper in the rabbit hole. now that the engine is out and inside to get ready for a new piston and rings for all three pistons now has a rear main bearing rubbing against the counter...
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    looking for advice to pull engine on b6200d

    looking for advice to pull engine on b6200d
  19. P

    Piston Metal on Cylinder Wall

    you are right about my engine with the washer in the number one piston ,good eye. so now after pushing all three pistons out and doing a snap gauge test which come out with very taper i discovered the crankshaft counter weight has been brushing the lower thrust bearing this is bigger problem...