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  1. Lycomech96

    Sorry Media

    I saw the NYC policemen getting doused with buckets of water this week and it made me sick to see the gleeful perps getting away with it. I would have silent fire trucks waiting the next block down and come in there with hoses blasting to clean the streets of the trash.
  2. Lycomech96

    One of them days

    The first post sounds like a chapter out of "How to Save money With a Chain Saw."
  3. Lycomech96

    L175 Leaking Petcock w Pics

    Next time, Is the drain valve a standard 1/8" pipe thread? If so; 877-4-SPRUCE Home / Airframe Parts / Fuel Systems / Drain Valves /Curtis Pipe Thread Drain Valve - Cca-1550 CURTIS PIPE THREAD DRAIN VALVE - CCA-1550 15 Reviews7 Answered Questions $14.50/Each ;
  4. Lycomech96

    Gunsmoke movie set

    Best line in a Gunsmoke program. Matt Dillon to Festus, "This used to be a free country......but it's gettin' more expensive all the time,"
  5. Lycomech96

    Is it acceptable?

    You should get a Triumph tee shirt and black out the "i" and the "h".
  6. Lycomech96


    This year might be a good opportunity to get ethanol out of our gasoline and put it back in the food chain where it belongs. My neighbor showed me his sweet cherry crop today. All split due to too much rain.
  7. Lycomech96


    I'm 1 1/2 hours south of NY State line. I dumped 4.75 inches out of my gauge this morning that accumulated since Sunday. It is pouring again right now. Yesterday afternoon my back yard looked like your road. I have lived here since 1975 and never saw run off like that. Anybody in the mold...
  8. Lycomech96


    Here in North Central PA, the lower part of my land just got dry enough to get in there so at least I got the grass cut before another three days of showers are coming. I was hoping to get some trees cut up for firewood before the hot weather arrives. How about the rest of you? How are you...
  9. Lycomech96

    How does my 500hr suction screen look? (Kubota BX)

    If the fluid was never changed and that filter was never cleaned before, I would say it looks pretty good at 500 hours.
  10. Lycomech96

    BX23s and dealer - Underwhelming

    I live in "Realville" so I expected I would need some touch up paint when I took delivery of the B2601 last December. I saw the young guy at the dealership working on assembling it on the concrete floor when I went to pay for it. It comes in an open sided crate all knocked down. They installed...
  11. Lycomech96

    BX2350 Plastic Fail

    I would try this. I used it to repair a motorcycle fairing with success. watch some videos and decide for your self.;_ylt=AwrJ7JiFhK5czJYAWENXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTExb2dlZTF1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDREZENl8xBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Plastifix&fr=mcafee
  12. Lycomech96

    Diagnostic dye

    No but I can tell you how we track down a leak in the aviation industry. Clean (degrease until squeaky clean) the engine, or whatever part you are suspecting of a leak, then get some spray on deodorant. Start the engine, run it for a while then spray the area that is suspect. A dark line will...
  13. Lycomech96

    Looking for installation instructions B2650

    Did you put a jumper wire to connect the red/black and red/white wire terminals in the 6 pin regulator plug? That brings power to pin H in the OPC box. There is no Pin N on my control box which has 10 wires. When any safety switches complete a circuit it sends power to the stop switch relay and...
  14. Lycomech96

    B2601 Dynamo question

    I posted this before. Go for it. I just did an alternator upgrade on my B2601. Get an alternator (For Kubota) on Amazon for $62.95. Order the two pin prewired plug that goes on the two terminals for about $10.00 or shop your local auto parts store for that item. I ordered parts for an earlier...
  15. Lycomech96

    Looking for installation instructions B2650

    Order the bracket, fan belt and lower mount bolt for the B2650HSDC cab model. Mount those up. Take the plug off the regulator and jumper the two wires I indicated above. Follow the rest of my directions above and add a voltmeter and ignore the red warning light. Then, you'll be in business.
  16. Lycomech96

    Looking for installation instructions B2650

    I just did an alternator upgrade on my B2601, so I don't know if the installation is the same but...get an alternator (For Kubota) on Amazon for $62.95. Order the two pin prewired plug that goes on the two terminals for about $10.00 or shop your local auto parts store for that item. I ordered...
  17. Lycomech96

    -15 and started right up / NIW complaint thread

    Re: -15 and started right up..... Oh look, a sarcastic snowflake. LOL.
  18. Lycomech96

    gelling diesel tonight

    Nicely played.:D
  19. Lycomech96

    gelling diesel tonight

    Mine is in a heated workshop at 60 degrees. The proper amount of treatment has been added for protection down to zero degrees. I don't see taking it out any time soon but my question is, would the fuel gel if the tractor was in use, running at temps lower than that? Or would there not be enough...
  20. Lycomech96

    2005 L3400 PTO ratcheting

    Did you try it without any shafts attached to the output?