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  1. W

    new member intro

    This is all the tractor data for the B2150 Hopefully all the Info Help let me know if I can help.
  2. W

    new member intro

    Your Tractor ? B2150 This is the link for your 2wd front size 4.00-12 This is for the 4wd front Size 6.00-12...
  3. W

    new member intro

    Hi walkerheaders Is Your tractor 4wd or 2wd?
  4. W

    Portable gas cans

    agreed Eric people need to pay more attention to what they are doing but I cant believe the difference this makes with the new fuel cans.:cool:
  5. W

    anybody looking for a 5' finishmower

    Sold Finish mower yesterday.
  6. W

    Portable gas cans

    Did this to my cans today what a difference!!!!:D:D:D:D
  7. W

    Portable gas cans

  8. W

    Portable gas cans

    Just a thought the military "JERRY" cans work great for farm equipment. try going to a surplus store and getting one. Just a thought:cool:
  9. W

    Nasty roomer need answers

    they that is what they said the price would go up about three thousand:confused: EPA BS
  10. W

    Nasty roomer need answers

    I talked with the dealer yesterday and they mentioned that next year all new kabota's will have catalytic converters on them. EPA is mandating that all tractor will have them on the new tractors. Would this have an effect on the power of the tractor?:eek:
  11. W

    L2550 4WD PTO Won't Disengage w/Clutch

    Captjohn Check the sheet link below I don't think it has a two stage clutch
  12. W

    Farm Chains

    Stubbyie can you show a picture of that?
  13. W

    Greetings from Mass.

    welcome aboard:)
  14. W

    Need advice on new Brush Hog 5'

    found out yesterday that my grandfather has the same brush hog and that is what I am going with thanks for all the advise.:)
  15. W

    Bought our first "new" tractor! Have questions though

    You got that right does she want the smaller one?:D Its cheaper to keep her!!!:) You might want to think about the AG tires though.
  16. W

    Need advice on new Brush Hog 5'

    Drew when you make the video send me the link I would like to see it.
  17. W

    Need feedback on L3800 price quote

    got a quote on the 7th for a L3800dt FEL GG LP BB1260 AND LP RCR1260 FOR 23662.50 TOTAL
  18. W

    anybody looking for a 5' finishmower

    I have a 5' National Finish Mover for sale. Good operational finish mower for a tractor, also have 1 Spare Hub, 2 Spare blades and extra bolts for the blades.just no longer need it. I will take $400 OBO.
  19. W

    WANTED, Input on New Design

    Have u looked at the light force I used those in Alaska and they are indestructible. U can light up about a 1/4 mile in front of you.
  20. W

    Need advice on new Brush Hog 5'

    Thanks Guys I guess I will go with the Landpride 1260 I would rather go with the one that is going to last longer than replace them every few years I will post pictures when I get the equipment.