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  1. B

    4672 Backhoe

    would you be interested in a BH77 backhoe?
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    LandPride QH05 doesn't match my implements

    The implements you are using are not quick hitch compatible. Many older and less expensive implements will not work with a quick hitch. Look at the production description of most new implements and it will say they are compatible.
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    18" auger on BX25

    I'm pretty sure that the BX would be way underpowered for that auger. The best option is to rent a Toro Dingo with the 18" auger. We did that last fall to plant trees with a 32" rootball, And the Toro was a lifesaver. Good luck!
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    locate buried disconnected electrical wire

    Dave, Those .22/Hilti connectors are called fire on connectors, or more commonly by their brand name "Ampac." They very similar to a Hilti/Ramset in that they have a charge that when detonated by a hammer blow, forces a piston to "wedge" a piece of connector between two conductors. If you...
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    BH76 Backhoe Rubber Stabilizer Pad Part #?

    Pat, Will the stabilizer pads you have fit a bh77 backhoe? Thanks! Brandon
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    Bh77 bucket wanted

    Looking for a 16" or 24" backhoe bucket for a bh77 backhoe. Thanks!
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    BH77 wanted

    Thanks for lead. I was hoping to find something closer to Kansas City if possible. Thanks again
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    BH77 wanted

    Howdy! I am looking for a Kubota BH77. Anybody have one or some leads? Thanks in advance! Brandon
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    Everything attatchments single lid grapple for l3560

    The EA grapples are amazing and built super strong. I have the single lid version on my l3800 and love it!
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    Painting fuel barrel advice

    Thanks for the advice guys!
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    Painting fuel barrel advice

    I acquired a gravity fed diesel barrel on a stand and I'm going to sandblast it and paint it. Any recommendations on brand/type of paint. I will be spraying a primer first, then color coat. Someone recommended propane tank paint but I am unsure which would be best. Thanks!
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    Adding a Grapple, 3rd function, and converting to Quick Attach

    OldeEnglish, I would look at everything attachments's single lid 50" grapple that is designed for the compact tractors. It is approx 100 lbs lighter, which can be significant in terms of adding capacity. It is extremely well built, and has taken some serious abuse. We wrapped a chain...
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    Adding a Grapple, 3rd function, and converting to Quick Attach

    I recently did the exact same mod to my L3800. Once you get a grapple, you will wonder how you ever did without! I ordered a Kubota SSQA adapter from my local dealer, and then ordered the weld on plate from Amazon. As for the grapple, everything grapple is an awesome piece...