B Brandonorr55 Member Equipment L3800 Aug 18, 2013 33 10 8 Missouri Oct 25, 2016 #1 Howdy! I am looking for a Kubota BH77. Anybody have one or some leads? Thanks in advance! Brandon
B Brandonorr55 Member Equipment L3800 Aug 18, 2013 33 10 8 Missouri Oct 27, 2016 #3 Thanks for lead. I was hoping to find something closer to Kansas City if possible. Thanks again
E eng1886trk Member Equipment 2016 B2650, 60" bucket, QH15, RB1572, LR1572, BB1260, 42" forks Mar 9, 2016 76 0 6 Lancaster, PA Oct 28, 2016 #4 Honestly I have been looking around for some time. Everything that shows up is nearly the price of a new one and the ones that are a few bucks cheaper are quite a distance away. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Honestly I have been looking around for some time. Everything that shows up is nearly the price of a new one and the ones that are a few bucks cheaper are quite a distance away. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
L Lennyzx11 New member Equipment L3301 Dec 18, 2015 113 3 0 Bennington Vermont Nov 12, 2016 #5 Curious. What's the new price for one? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk