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  1. R

    Hooking up propane lights

    So, I just bought a camp in the Northern Maine woods... and I am going to hook up some gas lights, but I dont know what I should have for a regulator... can I use one from a gas grill? any input is much appreciated.
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    Kubota NEWBIE seeking feedback.

    Maintain the hst or gear as recommended and you will not kill them. Do loader work with the gear for a few hours, then try the HST.
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    Kubota NEWBIE seeking feedback.

    That is interesting. I can see the debate on tires. It depends what you are doing with the machine. I also have a l4610hst here in Maine. It gets used hard everyday doing jobs. moving dirt, rocks, tar, used for haying 4 different fields. Not one failure. It is maintained- sounds like you have...
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    Kubota NEWBIE seeking feedback.

    Re: Kubota NEWBIE s eeking feedback. Here we go, the hst/gear r4/r1 debate. I have an L3200HST with loaded r4's. I would not have it any other way. I run chains in the winter. I guess it depends on what you are using it for. If you are working it in the woods or really muddy areas r1's are prob...
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    1600-1800lb bales, which tractor/loader combo?

    The guy I work with has one. Great machine. It will pick up exactly 2200 lbs with the pallet forks. No more. We know this beacuse his wife had a grain business and when they delivered the grain they used the l4610 to unload it...
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    Bought our first "new" tractor! Have questions though

    I have run both quite a bit. Save the 2 grand. I have a l3200. More then enough and hardly if any noticeable difference.
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    L3200/3800 Options Advice

    I just bought a new L3200. I am in maine and use it alot for moving snow and gravel. I maintain a half mile long private road with it. Super machine. I did put a tnt kit on from mtnviewranch. Glad I did. But I have a lot of road I use it on too. I run r4's with rimgaurd and it is awesome. I do...
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    Rear Hydraulic Coupler $$$$$$

    Bulldog and MtnviewRanch are right on. Just add it when you buy it. Its a clean install, if they screw up your new tractor its not your problem. I had the dealer do mine, nice clean job. Then I bought the tnt from Brian @ fitritehydraulics. It is the only way to go. I dont even remember how much...
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    Which to Buy: B3200 or L3200/3800

    Its really interesting how people feel so strongly about gear vs Hst. It would be interesting to put the gear guys on a hst for a month and visa versa.... I am stuck on hst myself. I personally think it is the best upgrade on the machine I could have made. But then again I do alot of loader work...
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    Contemplating B3300SU as First Tractor - Have a few Questions...

    Just what Dandan said- I bought a new B3300Su and ended up taking it back after 14 hours of use. Could not deal with the vibration. Bought the 3cyl L3200 and what a difference. Buy the L and don't look back. Having some seat time in both I can say the extra 1000 lbs or so the L has makes a big...
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    2nd that. You get what yo pay for. Land pride, woods, york, all good stuff.
  12. R

    Which to Buy: B3200 or L3200/3800

    You are going to love that L3800!!!!
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    Which to Buy: B3200 or L3200/3800

    yeah for sure. I have a Farmall 300 that is 2wd with ice chains and new R1's, and it is very capable. but that is a hell of alot heavier and the weight is proportioned much differently. I know on my L3200 2wd is almost useless with a load of gravel in the bucket. My tires are loaded and I...
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    Which to Buy: B3200 or L3200/3800

    Yes just what Bulldog said. Whenever I am digging or moving material I am in 4x4. A loader would be a waste of $$ without 4wd. Dont even consider it-
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    Which to Buy: B3200 or L3200/3800

    If you dont buy a 4wd, you will wish you did. You are buying a tractor, buy a 4wd. I know you will save a few bucks with a 2wd, but really think on it. I personally think a 2wd is useless with a loader. You fill that bucket with gravel and the rear tires dont do much, esp if you are on any grade...
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    Shout out to everyone with a grapple

    Just a few more.....
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    Shout out to everyone with a grapple

    Finally got it all hooked up and works super. Still need to buy some clamps to weld to the inside of my loader to secure the hyd hoses to, they need to be neatened up. Thought I would share in case anyone else is going to go down this road. I hope it helps somebody.
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    Line-X on the floorboards

    Buckaroo, I was thinking about this today. Its the only thing that irritates me about my new L3200HST. I think I will do this too, thanks for the idea. I would love to see some pics when you are done!! Mine has 21.x hours and is already scratched all to hell.
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    Shout out to everyone with a grapple

    If any of you out there care to share where you mounted you diverter, feel free to chime in! I am trying to figure it out. The best thing I can come up with is inside the rh loader "tower". This way it stays with the loader if removed. Space is pretty limited on this L3200....
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    Shout out to everyone with a grapple

    I did it this way because it is much more convenient where you already have your hand on the loader valve. I have 2 sets of rear remotes as well, and I could use one set for this but it would be pretty awkward to put the bucket where you want it, and then reach back to close the grapple. Much...