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  1. R

    What size snow plow?

    Oh yeah, my plan is to use the factory fisher cylinders with 1/4" hoses. I really am not sure how fast it will be. I have seem some that were way too fast and if that is the case I will install some flow reducers.
  2. R

    What size snow plow?

    I was going to wait until it is done and in some Kubota Orange paint to post pics as it still looks rough. But here are some pics of what I have done so far. I still need to add some 2x6 braces to the front to stiffen it up.
  3. R

    Quick Attach Pins

    they face the back.
  4. R

    Grapple and Rear Remote

    Seems like a good time for Mtnviewranch to chime in to me.
  5. R

    hydraulics freezing up

    Also, I am not familiar with that machine- does it have a screen on the pickup tube for the hyd pump? That is something that is easy to miss cleaning..
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    hydraulics freezing up

    I am not saying this is the cause of your problem, but I will say that when I did the 50 hour on my L3200, I changed the hydro and filters out and refilled it with SUDT2 and wow what a difference. Thy hydro works much better when cold. Sounds interesting. I assume you have been changing the...
  7. R

    LA524 with Out Quick Release Bucket

    Yes, you can hook on to any universal/skid steer attachment. Money well spent.
  8. R

    Grapple and Rear Remote

    Yeah I just hooked up my grapple a few months ago and was completely blown away by the cost of the hoses. Could not believe it. I just went from the loader tower on my L3200 to the bucket with 3/8.
  9. R

    Running in 4WD

    I poured a cement block that is 950-1000 lbs. and it works great. Nothing fancy just built a box out of some scrap OSB and shoved a drawbar through it and some plate steel with a hole in it for the top link. tossed some rebar in, some old chokers in it, some scrap metal I had... an old vise that...
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    new L3200

    Thanks for the reply Wildfire. Yes, I sure will post some pics. I am waiting for the weather to get a little better now. Looks like a week of sub zero weather. I hate to post my projects next to yours!!
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    new L3200

    Yeah Burt, that is a good point. My father put a coat of oil on his bucket and the snow slides right out I guess... I may try that myself. It is an extra step for me, if I do some snow removal with the bucket, then go out behind the house and get a bucket of firewood the bucket still has a lot...
  12. R

    Kubota financing question

    Do you mind me asking what you paid for the BH77? I was told 8100 with out a thumb at Union Farm Equipment... I will call them-
  13. R

    new L3200

    Speaking of bending loader arms, has anyone here ever heard of bending them? I mean I can see it if you were going down the road in high range wide open and slamming into a pole or something but under somewhat normal use? I have never seen that myself. I had a buddy with a L4610 pull a stupid...
  14. R

    new L3200

    Hey Chuck. It is a 7' Fisher. I am not worried about that in the least. I know a few people that use this setup with no problems. I do see the concern, but you would have to hit something dam hard to damage them. If anyone else has herd or seen otherwise chime in... I had a Farmall 300 with a 7'...
  15. R

    new L3200

    Chuck, I started off with just using a combination of my truck and just the front end loader. Now I have a borrowed skid steer snow plow. Right now I am building my own from a nice clean fisher snow plow I found used for a 100 bucks. I bought a skid steer q/a plate from KFI industries for 99...
  16. R

    new L3200

    I hang a 900lb cement block off the back of my L3200 with chains on all 4 with loaded tires. I plow a 1/4 mile long private road up mt percival with it, with heavy wet snow on coastal Maine. No problem. And we get a lot of snow here, and it is always wet and heavy as hell.
  17. R

    Kubota financing question

    Just wanted to follow up, I called my dealer today and said the same thing you guys did. So I guess I will just pay off the machine when I can and them go for it, or just buy the hoe with cash. Thanks for your input-
  18. R

    Kubota financing question

    No kidding. Seems like it would be a pretty strait forward thing... thanks for the reply's...
  19. R

    Kubota financing question

    Does anyone know if you have financed a kubota tractor and later decide to add an implement (backhoe) is it possible to roll the cost of the hoe into the tractor? Just curious, I am considering it... just a thought...
  20. R

    Which backhoe for L3200

    Wow, thanks a lot for all the input here!! That video is GREAT. I will buy the Kubota attachment. I really appreciate you taking the time to post that link.