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  1. R

    Hydro Whine

    I did my 50hr on my L3200 and changed the factory UDT out with SUDT2 and it made a big change. Faster hydro in cold weather, and much quieter for sure. I thought it came with sudt2 but I asked my dealer and they said it came with udt. Worth the money.
  2. R

    L3200 or L3800?

    I am really happy with my L3200. I personally decided to save the couple grand and put it towards hyd remotes so I could run a top and tilt I bought from Bryan over at Fit Rite Hydraulics. Since then I have added a 3rd function and grapple. Great machine.
  3. R

    Fueling my L3800 sucks !

    I bought one at my dealer. It is great. Expensive, but great. no leaks at all. I will take a pic/see what it is for you tomorrow. It was around 40 bucks. Worth every penny.
  4. R

    L3800 - "Floor" removed....

    Honestly, I dont have a bit of trouble with that. They are a good 1/4" think. I used the cheapest big truck mudflaps Napa had. they were cheap too, I think my cost was like 10-12 bucks. not each, the pair. On the Hst pedal side seems like there was a couple bolts I had to drill holes for so they...
  5. R

    L3800 - "Floor" removed....

    That is a hell of an idea too.... yeah, heat them up so they conform to the floorboard.... hmm.. I will think on that. I made a scabbard for my father out of a piece of 3" sch 40 pvc. Set it on top of the wood stove for just a couple mins and it make a factory looking scabbard for cheap money.
  6. R

    L3800 - "Floor" removed....

    I just sprayed a snowplow that I put a ssqa plate on for my tractor with TSC Kubota Orange. It came out good. I stole another members idea (I forget who now) and bought a set of big truck mudflaps and made a stencil out of cardboard just like my floor boars. Transferred it to the mudflaps and...
  7. R

    Help me protect myself

    I agree. there is a good chance you wont. But if they cant understand you don't want to fork over however many thousands of dollars unless they can prove they actually own the machine you dont want to do business with them either. I would want to know if I were you too. Its business. I am sure...
  8. R

    Help me protect myself

    I hear where you are coming from. I would ask where he bought the machine. If he bought it from a dealer and had a loan there is no reason (as long as the note was paid) why the seller can not produce a loan satisfaction letter for the machine.I would think that if he paid cash for it then...
  9. R

    SSQA Snow Plow and Scabbard

    Its really not bad at all. But the real test will be in the woods. The storm did not amount to much, prob not even a half inch. Boy I am ready for spring. I have seedlings that are popping up inside, so it better come quick!!
  10. R

    SSQA Snow Plow and Scabbard

    Seems like I am the only one replying here. Thats ok, I hope some one will find this useful. Well, this is the best way I could figure to mount this scabbard. I did mount to the rops, just lower and when I put my top and tilt kit back on that Brian over at Fit Rite Hydraulics made for me, (plug...
  11. R

    SSQA Snow Plow and Scabbard

    Still working on where to mount this scabbard.... Was going to mount it to the rops, but it just wont work there very well. I run a 2' bar so by the time I get the saw out if the scabbard I would have to be standing on a bucket... I will keep at it.
  12. R

    Front end loader install

    Nice tractor!! Looks really clean- I have never had one but I guess they are really capable little tractors...
  13. R

    SSQA Snow Plow and Scabbard

    Thanks guys. I will bring it home by the weekend and take some pics of it on the machine- just got some Kubota stickers for it to top it off! Still need to get my hydraulic hoses made up too....
  14. R

    L3200 Seat swap

    When you come up with a good answer please share it- I will get a little more serious about it when it warms up a bit myself.
  15. R

    SSQA Snow Plow and Scabbard

    Just a few more....
  16. R

    SSQA Snow Plow and Scabbard

    Plow will get some fresh Kubota orange Monday if all goes well.
  17. R

    SSQA Snow Plow and Scabbard

    Had posted some pics of my projects in another section and realized I was in the wrong place. Thought I would share as some of your projects on here have been helpful to me. This is a 7' fisher snow plow I have welded a ssqa plate on, and a scabbard I made to hold my saw. I got the ssqa plate...
  18. R

    What size snow plow?

    Just thought I would post some updates on the plow project. I will probably paint it in Monday in between scheduled work. I have re-enforced it with 2x4 1/4" wall mild steel. Also, here is a scabbard for my chainsaw I put together. I put about a 1/8" of fiberglass resin where it makes contact...
  19. R

    What size snow plow?

    Skid steer quick attach.
  20. R

    front snowplow

    Yeah I had a 7 1/2' on my L3200 with 1000 lbs on the back and chains and it was great.