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  1. K

    Need some help with an b8200hst and rc60-82h mower deck.

    @kubotasam if the manual shows how the part above is mounted a picture of that page would be great. Also, if your interested in selling the manual?
  2. K

    Kubota Parts L4200, B8200, L3750

    Sorry. I just assumed. But it was very nice
  3. K

    Need some help with an b8200hst and rc60-82h mower deck.

    Would you have the part numbered 6 in this picture?
  4. K

    Need some help with an b8200hst and rc60-82h mower deck.

    Hey guys, anybody that has ab8200hst with the mmm, can I get you to take some detailed pictures of the lift mechanism? I widened the piece I had ( not the correct part) and it works ok but not sure I mounted it correctly. It seems as if I mounted it to low and the pto shaft hits it before it...
  5. K

    Kubota Parts L4200, B8200, L3750

    thanks the grill arrived as your picture. Tell your wife thanks for the hand written note.
  6. K

    What About Your Tractor Makes You Swear?

    Basically doing that. Cut one for a smaller unit and widening it
  7. K

    B8200 HST keeps creeping

    ill check that. the damper has a large dead spot in the middle so it maybe the other stuff.
  8. K

    What About Your Tractor Makes You Swear?

    trying to find parts for the tractor (b8200) and a MM mower (RC60-82H) i cant use cause im missing a part and its no longer available and no salvage yard i have checked has it. YAY me.
  9. K

    B8200 HST keeps creeping

    So i have tried to adjust the HST according to the manual. But it seems that is not the issue. the issue seems to be the little cylinder (damping lever) connected to the foot pedal. the one that is supposed to center the pedal. mine will not center the pedal completely. it always leaves it...
  10. K

    Southern States 50 Cetane

    again. was only playing devils advocate. i do use seafoam in the tank on mine. does seem to help with carbon and lubricates injection pump. i use it in my cummins also. I know it does helps as i get a little milage increase that will last for a couple tanks after each use. and i do use the...
  11. K

    Southern States 50 Cetane

    just playing devils advocate here, but....... if you lost power due to dirty injectors and the stuff cleans them, is that not increasing power?
  12. K

    Kubota Parts L4200, B8200, L3750

    Yes. ill take a broken part that looks fixable over a beat to crap one that will never be able to be straightened out correctly any day.
  13. K

    what would it take to convert a b8200 hst 2wd to 4wd

    thanks for the info. so best option i have is to find a 4wdhst with a blown motor and swap motors. or buy a whole new to me tractor then sell mine.
  14. K

    what would it take to convert a b8200 hst 2wd to 4wd

    hell been looking for some parts for my mower so i could get it mounted and no luck there either.
  15. K

    Kubota Parts L4200, B8200, L3750

    ill take it. pm me and ill give you shipping info and venmo you the money when you find out shipping costs.
  16. K

    what would it take to convert a b8200 hst 2wd to 4wd

    Don't really want to sell it yet. Have also been looking for a 4wd hst with a blown motor. Then I could just swap engines. But no luck on that either so far.
  17. K

    Kubota Parts L4200, B8200, L3750

    What parts of the grill for the b8200 do you have? can you post pictures?
  18. K

    what would it take to convert a b8200 hst 2wd to 4wd

    hey guys just wondering what it would take to convert one. provided i got the parts from a salvaged 4wd. plus can i use the parts from a 8200 geared tractor? yes i know i should just get a 4wd hst but i dont have one i only have a 2wd and the 4wd models are out of my range for now.
  19. K

    WTB: kubota part Number 70732-51180 for a b8200

    Looking for the lift link holder ( 70732-51180) for an b8200 with an rc60-82h mower.