Search results

  1. S

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    <whine> Aw, man! Yew got a hour meter on yer welder too? <crum!>
  2. S

    Have you ever tried this???

    You're kidding, right? How much is whatever the market will bear: lots more than a tooth bar! By the way, your find for the bxtractors was a good one; too bad you didn't find the bxpanded Website; lots of actual products there, and they are very generous with their advice: BXpanded Piranha...
  3. S

    Oh, I hate when that happens! Those pop-ups make me crazy! (Well, crazier.) Glad to hear your...

    Oh, I hate when that happens! Those pop-ups make me crazy! (Well, crazier.) Glad to hear your progress, and best wishes on your fix.
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    Looking at buying a FEL/Backhoe

    <chuckle> Better one, eh!
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    Starting issue

    I've had that same problem! Pilsners, flashes, etc. Went on the wagon, got wagon load of Guinness, didn't see any more flashes. Worked for me, hopefully it'll solve your issues. :D:D:D
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    Fuel for thought L3301

    Nice write-up, CCR, I expect I may be the only one who had trouble visualizing how you positioned the 'can' and poured the fuel.
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    It was bound to happen eventually

    "I love it when a plan comes together." - Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith The A-Team
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    Found Paint Match

    Dr Honda, here's my list of manufacturers for gray: Rust-Oleum; Valspar; DuPont; and Tisco. For folks who live in my neighborhood and can "help me out" with my hydraulics, I might even share the details.:p Sadly, I can't vouch for any of these, but I've pulled them from posts and they were...
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    Helpful steering box rebuild video

    Excellent find; 'Liked' and Subscribed. (Hope I don't start having Yanmar dreams!)
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    Bx2370 vs GR2120 for mowing hilly 5 acres

    Hey, at least something's working -- mud is gone. (Hope your neighbor on the "downhill" side doesn't get upset with the mud fallin' on his place! :D
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    Cheap Hydro-Bagger project

    Hmm... First off, I think it will be tough to cram you in with all the other guys at the top of my list of hydro geniuses. But maybe I'll drink that last Guinness I was saving for Grouse Feathers and try to sort it out. Secondly, I'm going to have to get a bottle of old Jamison's and drink up...
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    First time tractor owner

    That pic sure speaks volumes! Wish I could see all that on YouTube!
  13. S

    It was bound to happen eventually

    Actually, that notion was peculiar to FixOrReplaceDaily vehicles. My experience is that Chevys break only once -- catastrophically. :D
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    Found Paint Match

    Thanks, folks, added to my list!
  15. S

    finally broke the piggybank open!

    You better hit it big with Powerball, cuz if you ignore skeets' suggestion for pics, you'll become a pariah, afflicted with all manner of insults and rude comments.:eek:
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    Ditch digging?

    I think if your terrain is as rocky as you suggest, a rear blade wouldn't work for you. I don't think it would break, but I think it wouldn't pull the rocks out, just (hopefully) slip over them. I haven't used them so I don't really know; it seems from the design that a middle-buster would be...
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Hmm... Tallahassee Kubota Man got stuck in Tallahassee, Florida? Sorry if my skepticism offends "anyone" but, as Anders put it so succinctly:
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    Bx2370 vs GR2120 for mowing hilly 5 acres

    That's interesting, and I'd like to dig into it a bit but... <sigh> I kinda gave up on PS cuz of the learning curve (try to imagine a brick wall) and I don't know if the machine it is on even runs any more. I've tried your process with Paint, with no joy. Haven't tried with any other image...
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    An Irishman and his son

    ROFLMAO skeets, yer a champion! That was the best I've ever heard! Are ye gonna take him up to the pub next week, or wait 'till he's a wee bit older?
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    Broken top link mount

    Gary, so sorry for this discovery. It's clear that the guy who broke it tried to patch it with something similar to JBWeld, so he's culpable, he should have informed you. I suspect it's changed hands in between, and the last seller didn't realize the significance. I can't find the part on...