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  1. S

    2012 is drawing to a close.....

    While your request has merit, posting it in the forum rather than sending it to a moderator or administrator is not a courteous manner of initiating a resolution. I'm sure you've noticed that some of us act pretty silly, yet we regard ourselves as family. Thanks for your consideration. Regards...
  2. S

    Powerful little tractor

    Nice! You could even use it to launch your boat -- even float it, from those {filthyword} shallow ramps, and with your tires, could comfortably drive it to the ramp. :eek: What's next? Teach it to ski?
  3. S

    Cannot remove grease gun from fittings

    hmmm... I'd really like to see a vid of that! How many people does it take to perform this feat?
  4. S

    Computer virus

    Kaspersky Lab is the best I've found for getting rid of even the worst malware! They will explain how to examine your system and send them logs that reveal what's going on, then give you step-by-step instructions for disinfecting any kind of malware -- all for free! Wish I could've let you know...
  5. S

    Daily Chuckle

    Aw, man! I feel cheated: no underwater tosses; pitches with right, then left hands -- but no pitches with both hands!
  6. S

    Please Help! Its raining on my new baby!

    Oh, man! You're 'way too dedicated! Chill and take time to read all the old posts, you'll learn all kind of neat stuff -- like taking your grease gun in your dominant hand, and a rag in your other hand; pump 'er full of grease, then use the rag to wipe 'er off! Then you don't have to worry about...
  7. S

    B7100 regulator test

    Blast! I found something I knew a little about, and it was wrong! <blushing>
  8. S

    Lock it!

    LROL. Man, if I were a thief, that would make me so mad, I'd steal you back tires just to get "even"! :D
  9. S

    Rear Turf Tire on L245dt, what on front?

    Oh, you Michiganders, how you do go on! (But not one "eh?", so that's nice.) Sadly, your pasting lost the formatting, making the article hard to read. But very valuable information!
  10. S

    B7100 regulator test

    Something smells fishy. Even though you have a dynamo, it's like an alternator in that it doesn't generate its rated output at idle; the higher the RPM, the greater the output voltage (so the voltage should increase with an increase in RPMs) ... and I don't believe any of these old tractors can...
  11. S

    Work Shop Manuals (WSM)

    Thanks, renterguy, I've visited that site before but didn't bookmark it.
  12. S

    Work Shop Manuals (WSM)

    Sorry, captain, but my thoughts on their pricing is that it's not at all sporty -- predatory is the adverb that comes to mind. I hope that does not lead anyone to think I have any disagreement with your recommendations!
  13. S

    Alternator question

    Another great explanation, covering another aspect of the issue. Not so simple an issue as it would seem! I would add to your comments about watts that higher watts ***8800; more light. As you alluded to, current is lost on the way to the little Light-Emitting Diode buggers, but the biggest...
  14. S

    Alternator question

    My goodness! What a great treatise! About the only thing you didn't mention is the effect of the 'pass-through' on the battery. This ought to be added to the OTT Articles! Kudos, my man!
  15. S

    Alternator question

    18 wats is a lot of LED light... or sometimes a nice glow. It depends on the circuitry that drives the little buggers. Development of the LED has improved/evolved to the point that almost everything offered is of excellent quality, so you don't need to pick Cree (as my ignorance led me to do)...
  16. S

    B7100 with a slight mechanical issue.

    I couldn't agree more. Now that actually isn't the iPhone's iPhault; the configuration of the vBulletin BBS system causes that. You need to remember to always turn your (iPhone/AndyPhone/WinPhone) sideways, or to crop the image so it's square or wider than tall. (Or a sneaky person might post...
  17. S

    B7100 with a slight mechanical issue.

    Ahhh, Technology! Ain' it wunnerful!
  18. S

    A work in progress (5' Boom Pole)

    Re: A work in progress To me, that's equivalent to saying, "I think I put too much whiskey over my ice." Although I can't envision all the functions, I'd copy it if I had the material. And I likely will, when a boom pole percolates higher on my list. But... haven't you heard that scientists...
  19. S

    Daily Chuckle

    Re: Daily Chuckel I laughed until my dogs started giving me nervous looks.
  20. S

    Daily Chuckle

    Re: Daily Chuckel Well, it wasn't too late to make me chuckle, right out loud.