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  1. S

    Fel for l2850

    No idea but you might try asking on TractorByNet or on Weekend Freedom Machines, which is a big JohnDeere site.
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    Starter solenoid on B6100 - how to disassemble?

    You forgot to say, "eh?" And I suppose you forgot who you're 'talking' to... there is a very high chance that I actually will make it worse! BTW, any suggestions on how to open it?
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    Starter solenoid on B6100 - how to disassemble?

    Now that TJ has planted the seed, I'm seeing the body both rolled and staked. <sob> One side: Rotated ~120° Rotated another 120° I guess I...
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    Starter solenoid on B6100 - how to disassemble?

    I wondered about that when I had trouble separating it (I have removed it from the starter) and examined it to see if the edge had been rolled or crimped. I saw only one hint, a deep stake or peen. I decided it wasn't staked because I could get it so far apart. I'll take some pics of it and...
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    Starter solenoid on B6100 - how to disassemble?

    I'm trying to check the contacts in the solenoid of my B6100 while I have the starter on the bench. I've taken the screws off the cap and pried it off the body to the point that it's no longer "glued on" (you know how they get welded by corrosion and paint). I can pull it away from the body...
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    Daily Chuckle

  7. S

    Odd RM59 mower blade

    Oh. crum! Well, thanks for the update -- now I can ratchet back my envy; my front yard is about as wide and round as a basketball, with bare sandy patches and I was soaking my shirt drooling over that pic! You mentioned that the center blade is shorter -- that would make a difference as well...
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    Making wood pellets

    Unless piston-type machines are making logs, wouldn't their output be too low? I'd like to see how the flat-die machines work; that vid in the URL you posted was fascinating!
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    No Fuel from one of the injection pump ports

    Paul, welcome to OTT! Hey, don't beat yourself up -- it's your L3800's fault! :eek: If she weren't so strong, you wouldn't have been fooled One more thing: there are lots of tractor-porn Nazis who will get on your case, screaming, "Without pics, it didn't happen!" So to keep them at bay, it...
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    Fuel leaking past 2 of three injectors on b7100

    Nice write-up! It would help if you edited your original post and identified where you got the #4 and #8 diagrams (WSM perhaps?).
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    Odd RM59 mower blade

    Something's hinkey in Hiyo! One of the 'stripes' should be 1/2 the width of the other color. Two outside blades cut low, leaving a low-high-low pattern, turn around and mow the opposite way, should be two lows side-by-side, then a high, and low. Although I expect the difference in height is...
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    Proper way to bench-test starter?

    Cat man, that is a great suggestion. I already have it stripped down and mostly cleaned up so I'll have a go at refurbishing it myself. It looks like the only parts I'll need are brushes and possibly a solenoid actuator. The bushings seem tight and if the fields are okay, I think I'm good to...
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    Keen shoe ads

    Always listen to the coach! I have AdBlocker in Chrome on my desktop, but the last upgrade hosed it so badly I've been using FireFox, and haven't installed any prophylactics yet. I get all kinds of ads, but none that affect my computer the way you're experiencing. On my phone and tablet (both...
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    Daily Chuckle

    Ewww... that's worse than the MIL going over the cliff in his new Cadillac! Glad I didn't think to do a 'selfie' of my simultaneous amused chuckle and painful grimace!
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    Proper way to bench-test starter?

    <gasp><choke> I priced one for the B6100 on fleaBay for $100. Just carbon brushes and copper fields. The L3800 must have gold fields and ... ? platinum? brushes? WOW! Guess you're quoting the Kubota price -- I have no idea what the Kubota price for mine is; my health is too fragile to risk...
  16. S

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    85Hokie, Re: your fan belt post #1952, thanks for the lesson -- I was planning to replace mine although it isn't nearly as bad as yours. I understand that the correct procedure is to buy the replacement belt and keep it in a cool, dry place until the current belt removes itself. :D
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    Odd RM59 mower blade

    Re: What did you do to or on your Kubota today? Well, that begs the question: How was the cut the last time you mowed? (I guess somebody has pulled a very clever trick on you... I haven't been anywhere near Springboro since I worked in Columbus about fifteen years ago. :D)
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    Import B3350 to US from Canada

    I believe that varies by state. I expect N.C. wouldn't be collecting sales tax; it prolly would be ad valorem -- but that state regards farm equipment as personal property. YMMV
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    Making wood pellets

    Agreed. Nuclear is only dangerous when improperly designed and constructed (according to current-at-the-time guidelines). I strongly differ with you about both Japan's and Russia's results. It is my understanding that evidence of Chernobyl 'victim harm' has been contained by isolating everyone...
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    Skid Steer Quick Attach

    Very nice job! When the heels of the forks are on the ground, can you rotate the tips up 3 or 4 inches? The ability to do so is often helpful.