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  1. DsBota

    B8200HST - some service data required

    The switch sequence for the glow plugs is turning the key the other way( counter clockwise). Should be a little element just above the key on the left that glows red when using the plugs. The wiring diagram shows it as glow plug indicator.
  2. DsBota

    paint colour - gray versus blue?

    My B6200 was blue. I wonder if something happened to the paint or it has been painted?
  3. DsBota

    Low gear won't engage

    Mine can be a little stubborn sometimes also. I just play with the clutch and gears till I get it.
  4. DsBota

    B8200 advice?

    I agree with what Green Mountain Slim says, the loader looks fine but the bucket thats on there looks huge. What concerns me about the cosmetics is if it's been taken care that way then chances are the routine maintenance hasn't been done either. You can get a new key from Kubota all you need...
  5. DsBota

    4wd mower

    What model are you looking at and do you mind me asking the price?
  6. DsBota

    How did this happen?

    Welcome to the site Bruce and I'm sure you'll not be disappointed with your new tractor.
  7. DsBota

    B7200 rear wheel lock up

    One of the chains get tangled on a brake rod and then loosened off when you put it in reverse? How many loose links?
  8. DsBota

    G1800 snow plow

    Sorry about the timing of this thread as it's spring but does anyone have a picture of a snow blade mounted to a G1800? particularly one of the the underside of the tractor. I just added a new member to the family and just playing around with some ideas.
  9. DsBota

    best postion for loader when tractor parked?

    I also park and set the loader to collect water as a couple of scoops of gravel always solves the rusty bucket problem:).
  10. DsBota

    Width of L3800

    But if your looking at one with a loader, they come with a 60" bucket.
  11. DsBota

    Touch up paint.

    The Canadian TSC and the American one are separate companies. The Canadian TSC doesn't carry the Kubota Oranges.
  12. DsBota

    Problem shifting

    Sometimes my range selector can be stiff also. I find if I drive forward just a little bit it will help.
  13. DsBota

    What is this knob?

    Welcome to OTT. It's your decompression knob used for starting with a weak battery. Sounds like the cable is ceased make sure the lever that the cable runs to on the valve cover isn't stuck open.
  14. DsBota

    B21 Electrical problem

    You'll need a steering wheel puller to remove the wheel. I had luck removing my wheel with a small hydraulic jack and chain. Sounds like you might have a ground problem with the electrical try running a jumper cable for a new ground. Did you test with a test light or multi meter to see if...
  15. DsBota

    What kind of engine oil??

    Canadian tire carries some or you can become a preferred customer and they will ship it to you.
  16. DsBota

    B8200 hard to start when warmed up.

    My B8200 is the same way. I don't have to hold the plugs on for 30 seconds maybe 10 seconds with a warm engine. Runs great once running with no blow by, smoke and lots of power. Never had this starting issue with my B6200. I was going to replace the battery and clean out the starter to see if...
  17. DsBota

    B7200 w/1630 loader Hydraulic Question

    Did you check this:
  18. DsBota

    A different Mr. Kubota

    Nope, I was thinking the same and how things have changed so much.
  19. DsBota

    Another New Member Introduction

    Wow looks like you got a real deal!
  20. DsBota

    Another New Member Introduction

    Welcome to OTT! Congratulations on your purchase. I'm looking forward to your future posts.