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  1. 6869704x4

    Clearly I had no idea how to grease trailer wheel bearings that have zerk fittings.

    And here's me stuck in the dark ages
  2. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  3. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  4. 6869704x4

    What model Kubota Tractor do you own?

    Looks like an old well tank in the third picture. Good idea.
  5. 6869704x4

    Best Battery for MX4800?

    Oops, missed that part.For future reference
  6. 6869704x4

    Best Battery for MX4800?

    Boil some water, take it off the stove, add baking soda, pour it on, watch the magic. Hit it with some good paint.
  7. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  8. 6869704x4

    Swing arm hydraulic leaks

    I believe that's your loader valve in there. Those cover plates just bolt on.
  9. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

    The crew that did my roof last year had one.
  10. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  11. 6869704x4

    L3901 Bogging Down Under Heavy Load

    Can't help but think 10 grand was their "we don't want to do it" price. I wouldn't let that dealer touch my wheelbarrow. Years ago a guy topped off a MF175 with gas. It was belching out some grayish smoke. Drained and refilled with diesel, back to work. I logged quite a few hours on that...
  12. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  13. 6869704x4

    L3901 Bogging Down Under Heavy Load

    Notice any smoke while it's bogging down? How many Kubota dealers have dynos?
  14. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  15. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  16. 6869704x4

    Battery replacement, with no issues…yet.

    Some walmart batteries are made in Korea now.
  17. 6869704x4

    Low oil pressure shutdown?

    Wonder how loud this thing is
  18. 6869704x4

    In need of a BT1000 Backhoe

    My L45 bought in 2011 says BT1000A. If that makes a difference.
  19. 6869704x4

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    You ain't messing around!
  20. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle