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  1. B

    B22320 stopped running

    thanks Dave. that explains it pretty well. I did read where the seat switch has a tilt function. Just more info - while I was picking up small logs using 'clampon' forks, i did need to lean forward a bit to try to see forks (I know this is a bad deal) but looking back - that may have been...
  2. B

    B22320 stopped running

    thank you all for replies. I still have no idea what happened. i believe it may have stopped running due to some sort of 'safety kill switch' ??? Thats what it seemed like to me anyway. but I have no idea why it killed???
  3. B

    B22320 stopped running

    Thanks Dave. Im not sure what you are saying about a 'stop solenoid' where is this stop switch located?
  4. B

    B22320 stopped running

    thanks for your reply. I always dont give enough info.. The little tractor was running fine as usual. Then, while using it to move some tree iimbs, it just died. I was startled as to why! It did start right back up and ran another about10 mins then stopped again.. It actually acted as...
  5. B

    B22320 stopped running

    My B2320 just up and stopped running today - twice for unknown reasons? Any ideas here? Thanks
  6. B

    3 pt lower link arms

    Id like to thank all posters for your help and input. Looks like i will just have to use bungi cords or the spacer board to hold the lower arms apart when hooking up to 3 pt. I will also look into getting the HF quick hitch. With the quick hitch, is the top link still adjustable to tilt...
  7. B

    3 pt lower link arms

    without that board in between the arms just fall back center and you cant hook anything up like that!
  8. B

    3 pt lower link arms

    Thank you all for your quick responses. I’m gonna try to attach a pic.
  9. B

    3 pt lower link arms

    thankyou for your reply, those turnbuckles you mention are all the way loose, if tightened it would bring the arms closer together. With the turnbuckles loose - the arms just fall back to center when I let go. There is that little weight on the tractor end of those turnbuckles that seem to...
  10. B

    3 pt lower link arms

    hello newbie here to this forum, I have a B2320 and my lower link arms will not stay separated but fall together almost hitting each other and that makes it difficult hooking up to the 3 pt what can i do the prevent this from happening or is it as simple as putting a board in between them?