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  1. C

    "hey osha!!! Pflbbbt!"

    Classic! Pay the mafia or you don't get to the other side. The safety eye contact before the guy crossed buckets was classic
  2. C

    Thinking about a vintage tractor project

    That's about what they go for around here as well. A restored( done well) unit can bring $4500. I'm sad to say my bota is torn apart in my buddies shop but I was doing wheelies down my driveway ( my wife was watching, so I was showing off) yesterday on my 8N!
  3. C

    Thinking about a vintage tractor project

    I don't know if it's vintage enough for you but you might want to look at a Ford 9 or 8N? Parts are readily available and they are easy to work on. Lots of them around. It's to bad your in Cal as I am going to be selling my 8N and I just put a pile of money into it that I will never get back...
  4. C

    Starting issue

    I will be trying that tool junkie, thanks!
  5. C


    Could only make boys, four of them. Our twins just turned 26. You and momma should be proud!
  6. C

    Starting issue

    My partner in this tractor deal is an electrical technologist and we traced everything to the starter. We found crappy end terminals rubbed off coverings. Once we get it going we will give her a good bath and rewire her! I saw some flashes coming from the starter area. It was also late and I...
  7. C

    Starting issue

    Well the hammer did not fix the issue! We have taken darn near everything apart, and it still won't go. If we pull the battery post off and put it back on the dash lights come on. When we try to start it we get one click and no lights. Going to pull the starter off and have it checked out...
  8. C

    L1500DT Transmission

    Did you take pictures of this process? Although your description is adequate for most I am plagued with being a visual learner and I have trouble understanding the process. Appreciate the post and you sharing that!
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    Trees that we are tying to make grow
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    Ice came of last night! Waiting for the trees we spaded in last year to Greg and the grass seed we dormant seeded last fall to become green? I have been a paving guy all my life and never made anything green before, hope it works !:confused:
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    ZLi-245 - American Kubuta Counterpart

    Welcome Geff! Get a hold of Service Dept Vic on this site and he should be able to help you with parts. He is not far from Calgary if I am not mistaken
  12. C

    Motorcycle riders, Step-in.

    DR's with bigger tanks? How big?
  13. C

    Starting issue

    Daren that is not a tweeker it's an ajustapator!
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    Starting issue

    Geez now you have me worried too!:eek:
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    Starting issue

    He also has big feet, likes pilsners and is an electrical technologist. He is also in Pheniox right now, so next week the hammer comes out!
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    Starting issue

    Thanks fellas, will check these suggestions out. Still like the BFH though!
  17. C

    Starting issue

    My tractor partner said he tried to start our L1500DT the other night to move it in his shop to put a boat in. He thinks he may have tried to start it in gear initially and it appears that it won't turn over. He charged the battery thinking that was the issue and it still won't turn over...
  18. C

    You'll never believe what I found in my fuel tank...

    I keep seeing this shade tree mechanic description showing up? What the hey is that referencing?
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    I think I did something wrong...

    The engineer that is being sued by the idiot that put his fingers where he wouldn't put his doins!
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    for us older guys

    I use pictures mostly to show customers what they need to see I have no idea what the hey that is?