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  1. BadDog

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Installed Kubota subsidized program ROPS ($220 was the total), which took about an hour. Really nice unit, especially for the price. I couldn't build it for that! Only real surprise/aggravation was having to remove a tire to get the lower pivot pin out. Again I'm astounded by the poor choice...
  2. BadDog

    Temp gage on B7100

    Thanks for the pics and information. Unfortunately, mine is a thermo siphon and does not have a t-stat housing, and no port for installing the thermocouple as indicated. The in-hose on the other thread looks promising, and I've seen that before. Was hoping for a cleaner/better in-block...
  3. BadDog

    Temp gage on B7100

    What is the best way to hook in a temp gage sender on the B7100 750D? I looked all over for extra port plugs, but had no luck, not even for oil. So I plan to hook the oil pressure sender into a T on the warning light sensor port. But what about the water temp? I would prefer not to...
  4. BadDog

    B7100 (D750?) oil pressure port

    That's part of the problem. In the vicinity of 1/4", there appear to be several very close to being the same, and figuring general tolerances, getting it "right" may be difficult. I have thread gages and measuring tools, but would rather have a definitive reference answer.
  5. BadDog

    B7100 Upgrades / Mods

    Congrats on the score. Like you, I have a rough old B7100 with too much blow by, almost certainly from rings, though I've not done a full diagnostic. For now, it works well enough to get by, and I'll be looking for a donor D750 to D950 over time. If we get into the cooler season with no...
  6. BadDog

    B7100 (D750?) oil pressure port

    Does anyone know the exact size/thread of the oil pressure sender? That way I can just order an adapter (or T) without having to pull and measure, perhaps still ordering the wrong thing.
  7. BadDog

    How hard is it to find a tiller to work with a counterclockwise pto?

    No idea if this applies, but it could. It would be impossible in a 2 sprocket system. However, it is possible with a 3 if routed mostly in-line. If the center sprocket was about on-line with the tangent of the 2 end sprockets, then the chain could go over or under the center sprocket. If...
  8. BadDog

    3-Point lift: Service, repair, or user error?

    Oops, I meant mine is a '79. Production on the gear drive *stopped* in 85. I looked up the sn originally to find the date by using that very site. But somewhere along the way my brain shifted it 10 years, so I've been saying '89, which is clearly not correct. So I guess ours is the same age...
  9. BadDog

    B7100D (gear) front drive not engaging

    With all 4 wheels in the air, running with the trans in first, rear tire turning, and front drive engaged, the front splined stub output of the transmission is not turning. Spline is not stripped, it's definitely not getting power out of the transmission. It feels as if the shift fork is not...
  10. BadDog

    B7100D (gear) front drive not engaging

    I had this under another thread with the wrong title. I asked moderators to fix the title, but so far no update, so starting again now that I have more info. With the tractor on jack stands I put it in low and shifted in/out of front drive with and without the clutch engaged. No difference...
  11. BadDog

    3-Point lift: Service, repair, or user error?

    Thanks. So chalk that one up to user error. But 10 years older? I thought production started in '85, and mine is an '89 (I think). I've downloaded the user manual, thanks. Now to print it...
  12. BadDog

    Ag tires mounted backwards?

    Already done, but thanks. Yes, swapped side to side. The tractor is currently (still) on 4 heavy duty jack stands. To get the tires on, I set the brake to keep the hub from turning, and used a board to lever up just off center while braced with my knee opposite, lined up and slid the top...
  13. BadDog

    I love this B1700, but man is it ever rough!!

    How did this work out for you? I'm in a similar situation. Cosmetically, I think mine is worse. PO (or earlier?) dumped a load of something over the back of the FEL and crushed the hood over the headlights, and it's been stored in full sun for a long time. But I don't think I have as much...
  14. BadDog

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Yesterday I used the new B7100 for the first time doing real work. Used the box blade to flatten out my side yard. Bumpy lumpy settled dog hole filled mess is now nice and flat (and dusty). In the process identified a number of issues needing addressed, and started work on that list last...
  15. BadDog

    B7100 (D750?) oil pressure port

    It appears my oil pressure sender is bad. I thought the bulb was blown, but it's not. And key-on not running I get only ~2V with no light. I was never a big fan of idiot lights (except in my wife's car), so figure I might put on an inexpensive automotive oil pressure gage. Much more useful...
  16. BadDog

    Blow-by vent?

    My tired little B7100 has more blow-by than ideal. When things cool down the fall, I may determine if it's the valves or rings and rebuild it IF it turns out to be an otherwise worthy little tractor. But it still runs fine for now, and in the mean time, I would like to get a bit more control...
  17. BadDog

    3-Point lift: Service, repair, or user error?

    Well, I think I've got part of my 3 point issue fixed. The limit transfer rod (or whatever it's called) was in sad shape. The limit clamps were just loose, it had bent about 30* about 25% down from the top end, and the triangle bracket was not only torqued about 15* around, it had sheared one...
  18. BadDog

    b7001 3 point hitch

    Never done it on the tractor, but replacing the washers is a non-issue. I always wet with fluid before tightening to allow slip to seal without galling. But I doubt that's the reason it's going down. I expect a fair bit of fluid has to move for that to happen, and it would be very noticeable...
  19. BadDog

    Ag tires mounted backwards?

    I'm actually talking about the wheels turned normal, but the tires reversed. Basically, mounted on the wrong side. Flipping the rims for wider stance you can still keep the correct tread orientation by switching side.
  20. BadDog

    Ag tires mounted backwards?

    Darn, I knew I was missing something. Glad you caught me when you did, I was going to reverse the tires tonight, that was close...