Search results

  1. TheShadyKubota

    BX2380 Grease Locations

    it has a backhoe but everything else is there… the one in the mat would’ve been an easy one to miss.
  2. TheShadyKubota

    BX 3-Cylinder Turbo?

    love the analogy!! Makes sense haha
  3. TheShadyKubota

    BX 3-Cylinder Turbo?

    So.. has anyone installed a turbo on the BX tractor? Bit of a far fetched question but curious.
  4. TheShadyKubota

    Tooth bars for bucket

    those look like serious teeth on that bucket.. does the BX still have the weight to dig with those and I wonderhow that would do with clay fill? I wonder if someone had the piranha bar and switched to these? regardless at the end of the day these are not skidsteers in any way but usueful tools...
  5. TheShadyKubota

    3-Point Hitch Adjustment Turnbuckle

    thanks everyone for your responses. Great info
  6. TheShadyKubota

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    We have Kijiji up in Canada.. maybe Craigslist or something similar in the states?
  7. TheShadyKubota

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    Message anyone who has a tractor for sale and try to snag a BB off of the total sale of the unit. That's what I just did.
  8. TheShadyKubota

    3-Point Hitch Adjustment Turnbuckle

    I feel like there is a lot more you can do with a box blade then the typical levelling function.
  9. TheShadyKubota

    3-Point Hitch Adjustment Turnbuckle

    I guess that would make sense.. I guess sometimes one overthinks the simple things in life
  10. TheShadyKubota

    3-Point Hitch Adjustment Turnbuckle

    I'm new to the 3-Point Hitch world, but why does only the right side (Passenger) have an adjustment turnbuckle on the lift arm?
  11. TheShadyKubota

    Looking for something to protect floor from chains

    Personally I have not however I did order my flooring a couple days ago. My friend has this system (JD 3046) but he has his spill containment on top that he parks on. Most garages you're only crawling in and out of, hasn't wrecked it yet. I'll let you know how it goes.
  12. TheShadyKubota

    Manitoba, Canada - Kubota Owners

    You're all great - hard to have beers looking at our tractors with guys in the states lol
  13. TheShadyKubota

    Looking for something to protect floor from chains

    I'd highly suggest SwissTrax flooring for the stall that your tractor parks in. You can even colour match with a very close orange if wanted.
  14. TheShadyKubota

    Manitoba, Canada - Kubota Owners

    Hey All, New to the site and the Kubota world so was wondering if anyone on here is from Manitoba Canada that we could start a side chat somewhere, talk implements and attachments, trade/borrow attachments, etc. More so a local community page? Don't hesitate to reach out.
  15. TheShadyKubota

    BX Front Grill Guard

    Very valid point. I did notice one guy fabricating a custom grill with expanded metal on here somewhere.. One day when I think I need a legit grill guard I may look it up again.
  16. TheShadyKubota

    Home made land plane

    This is a great thread.. I'm definitely going to be doing something similar. Thanks for the idea.
  17. TheShadyKubota

    Picture of your tractor on your trailer

    Only downfall is with my ramp on the trailer is a bit of a process to remove.. I'll probably have to just front load it a bit more and overhang the loader bucket. But, to be honest I don't really see a reason to haul the tractor to and from very often other than to the lake here and there to...
  18. TheShadyKubota

    Picture of your tractor on your trailer

    I've never head of a more valid statement! lol
  19. TheShadyKubota

    Box Blade 101

    Great thanks for the feedback!
  20. TheShadyKubota

    BX Front Grill Guard

    That makes sense, Neil @ Messicks makes some great BX content.. and relatable!