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  1. B

    Talked Out Of Rear Remotes

    I have the backhoe, FEL and 2 rear remotes plus third function for the FEL. No way I would be without any.
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    L4701 discharge leak ?

    Happy days!
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    L4701 discharge leak ?

    Around 280 hours on mine and nothing like that.
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    Pop or clank when turning L4701

    My L4701 HST only has about 200 hours on it. When doing some dirtwork with the FEL or mowing, I have started to notice a pop or clank when making a turn. It does it turning either left or right but only if in 4X4, not in 4X2. It is not a loud noise but I can feel it with my feet in the...
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    Mechanical thumb to hydraulic on BH 92

    Yes, I'm pretty sure I can make everything work as far as setup and plumbing the thumb, my main concern and question at this point is if there is a possibility of damaging the remote hydro circuit? The curl on the BH bucket has a lot of force so could it damage the rear remote valve or worse?
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    Mechanical thumb to hydraulic on BH 92

    Hello friends. I have an L4701 with 2 rear remotes and a BH92 that I already have a mechanical thumb on. I'm wondering if I could buy the ram for the hydraulic thumb kit from Kubota parts and simply use one of the rear remotes to operate the thumb? I would get the entire kit but man oh man...
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    HST Recall L4701

    After seeing this, I called my dealer and talked to service. They had info on the recall. It affects certain serial number machines thus some not getting the letter. There is apparently a procedure that Kubota has come up with that involves removing an access cover to do the repair but...
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    L4701 HST range lever

    I've never done the bump into neutral thing but asa possible solution, what if you just shorten the lever slightly?
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    Strange regen yesterday

    Not familiar with your model but it sounds like a normal regen to me. You don't have to run the engine at WOT for a successful regen to happen. You were already running at PTO rpm, that is all that is needed to generate the needed DPF temps, in fact it would even work at slightly lower rpms as...
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    Lift will not go down

    Not familiar with your model tractor but most Kubotas have a speed control knob that regulates the speed the 3 point will lower. On most, it is located below the seat, between your feet. It will close all the way basically locking the 3 point from lowering.
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    Advice needed for hydraulic line interferring with 3 point lift arm.

    My previous B3300/BH77 and current L4701/BH92 have similar set ups, seems this is the most common way for Kubota. I found some heavy duty reusable zip ties that are about 3/8" wide and 12" long. These have a little tab that you push which releases the tie and let's you open it back up. I use...
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    Finally L4701 LS-3

    Congrats on the new equipment. I got my new L4701 and BH a couple of months ago, it replaced a B3300 with BH. The lane shark looks to be a nice piece of equipment but my next equipment purchase will most likely be a sickle bar mower to maintain around my new pond.
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    Any tricks to ditch digging?

    Last 3 posts are great tips on dirt managment.
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    Help, bucket size on B2650 backhoe

    Wow, you guys must have some soft soil. In the summer with my B3300/BH77 I would often pull the tractor instead of breaking the soil and I even had modified stabilizer pads. And yes, I've been running a BH since around 1982 and that includes large dedicated BH machines and even trackhoes.
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    Any tricks to ditch digging?

    The normal method is; drive the tractor into position in line with the needed trench and make sure the front wheels are straight (do not lock the brakes), place the transmission in neutral, lower the FEL, lower the stabilizers and dig as far as you can reach. Then to move, reach around and...
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    Help, bucket size on B2650 backhoe

    I assume the B2650 uses the BH77? I had a BH77 on my former B3300 with a 12" bucket and it dug the hard clay and black gumbo dirt here in southeast Texas OK. I would NOT have wanted a larger bucket for that tractor/BH combo. I have a 16" on my new L4701/BH92 and sometimes would like a 12" in...
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    Light weight 3 point offset mower

    I do have one of those and have done that on one of my other ponds. The one I'm having put in is the biggest I'll own so at 63 years old I'm looking ahead to easier maintenance solutions. So far, a belt driven sickle mower seems the best solution.
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    Light weight 3 point offset mower

    I'm in the process of having a pond put in at a property I purchased last year. Three of the inner banks will be pretty steep and I will need some way of maintaining the grass/brush other than my heavy duty handheld weed wacker or my walk behind weed wacker (bank will be too steep for good...
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    Starting a new project

    When you get done with it, bring it down my way, we'll put it to a good test.
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    I'm no longer a virgin

    It's the same in the sports car/sport bike world. Some say turn the key and ride it like you stole it. Many years ago a friend of mine and I did a ring job on his 1970 Dart Swinger 340. He drove it for about 2 weeks, taking it easy and the rings never would seat. Then one night we took it...