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  1. K

    Roundtrip in the West. Like to meet?

    Well after not being able to get on here for awhile (Bad computer). I see your first map had you going within a half of a mile from me in Kellogg, Idaho I would liked to have met you. However your second map has you quite away from me. Anyways have a great trip.
  2. K

    OrangeTractorTalks now formatted for your mobile device

    Thank you Kindly Sir :) I will let you know after I download it and start using it. Thank you again for this opportunity to visit OTT on the go :D
  3. K

    Good morning from NS

    Welcome home :D Take your coat off and stay awhile ;)
  4. K

    BX HST Fan upgrade kit

    So there I was......Cheating on OTT with another forum :( Sorry I will try and keep my eyes focused ;) I ran across a thread that talked about a BX HST Fan upgrade kit. My eyes raised and read about an upgrade protection kit available to protect that little gem. I guess Kubota has had a few...
  5. K

    Need Kubota parts?

    Are you guys going to be able to help us guys "South of the Border"? :D
  6. K

    New Member from the SW Idaho mountains

    Well I remember back when that ski hill was named Jackass Ski Bowl :D I was stationed down at Mountain Home for a year while I was in the Army (yes I know thats an Air Force Base ;) ) I used to drive 55-95 all the time to get home, although I would sometimes take just 95 for a change of...
  7. K

    New Member from the SW Idaho mountains

    Welcome from the BEAUTIFUL part of Idaho that being North Idaho :D Where at in the SW portion are ya?
  8. K

    Oil type question

    So I think I got it. Please correct me if I am wrong (as I know you will) regular oil is fine as it meets all the standards as specified by Kubota, however a diesel type of oil is going to be better for my little giant. BTW it is OK in my book to talk about Bobcat here because they have the...
  9. K

    Facebook or twiter?

    What about Facebook or Twiter?
  10. K


    I belong to another forum and they have an App that you can download on my Droid smartphone. So if we can get an App for this that would be awesome :D
  11. K

    BX1500 wont move

    Crazzzzzy question. Is the park brake set and adjusted good enough to hold back against power.
  12. K

    Oil type question

    Oh my word....................... Obi Wan Kenobi. I did not know asking a question would bring talk of "Timmies" (still not sure what they are or that is), Religon, Politics and about what I asked this thread not be about. I did not know such a question would make guys who probibaly who have...
  13. K

    New member introduction.

    Welcome from Beatuful North Idaho :D
  14. K

    Oil type question

    This is why the first line was this is not about a paticular brand. I am asking about the TYPE of oil to use ie: diesel or regular oil and now fossil or synthetic (or a blend) types of oil. As far as when to change the oil it will be changed when my owners manual says of earlyer. The brand of...
  15. K

    Another suggestion

    Thats funny my Wife says the same thing. Almost verbatim :D
  16. K


    I second that :D
  17. K

    Oil type question

    Not at all. I want my BX to last forever and live a happy life. I want to treat her right thats all ;)
  18. K

    Plenty of seat time

    It may be long hours however you look like you are having fun out there :D
  19. K

    Oil type question

    This is not a question of what brand of oil to buy This is a question of confusion :confused: I have heard that you must use a "Deisel" rated oil, and I have also heard any old engine oil will do. My question for my orange feathered friends is what type and weight of oil do I need to use for...
  20. K


    Ok now that I put the magnifiers on :eek: :rolleyes: :o It is in the uper right side of the of the reply window it is the icon with a "check mark / ABC". Ok start squinting and look hard. :D