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  • Hey Vic, There are alot of different opinions on the 50hr service and i was wondering your personal opinion for this service for an L3800. The dealer is saying there is no need to change out the hydro fluid, only the filters at 50hrs like the manuals recommend. There argument is that the in the northeast where i live temperatures are much cooler than say Nevada so the oil won't break down as quickly. Your thought? Should I go with just the filter change oil pay the extra for a few gallons of oil? Thanks for your time...
    I bought a used B21 that didnt come with the three point linkage. I would like to attach a post hole digger. Any idea where to find a set that would fit without spending $500 or more ? Does a another tractor model fit?
    Howdy Vic, Its been a day or so but I'm still kicking, just repaired the left "U" joints on my B6000 that was fun and expenses but runs great. Have a new list of things to repair this winter if I have the money.... Radiator leaking under pressure, brakes work on one side only and not that great, sucking air in the fuel now and again, rear lift leaks down till it warms up oh and still need to add a fuel pump and clutch arm and maybe clutch. Almost bought a Lx450 Yarmar until I checked it out better I will stay with Kubota they by far are the best, now if I can only get the dealer to lower the prices....Lol

    Hey you are almost family, you live close to my wife's kin folks beautiful area. Are you still doing the FD, me I'm the assist Emergency Director which means when they can't find anyone I get called Lol hey I get a FD "T" shirt out of it.....Jerry B6000 B for Beast !
    Morning Vic, I know your busy so let me jump right in. I have a bx2360 and running a RCK 60B deck that someone tried to tear off. anyway I have almost every thing bent back to where it should be but the egg shaped keeper that holds the mower linkage is somewhat not egg shaped any more the hole in the link is ok but the keeper is not able to hold the link on. Can I get that egg shaped keeper thats welded to the lift arm, or just the arm, I donlt need all the linkage that goes with it,thats all good,, I think
    So can I get the egg shaped keeper bolt/pin and reweld it in place or just the arm with it welded in place.
    Im kinda in a bind here with a blowed out knee trying to work on this,, any help PLEASE!!!
    Hey boss check ya in box on your email. I sent you a message the other day threw here and I think it went to your email. I was being nosy and curious what the used tractor market is like in your neck of the woods.
    I need to get a tie rod for an L1802. #38180-1241-1 from the parts book I have. I have the new tie rod ends and tried to use the previously welded, bent one I currently have.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
    Hello Vic,
    I have a B7200 with a lot of blow-by gas thru the carter ventilation (oil drips out)
    Do you sell engine parts or do you know a good adress please?
    Hey Vic,, not related to my BX but to Dusty,, havent seen or heard form him in a long time. I said one time he was having some health issues, and i was just wondering if you or anyone else has heard from him..
    Thanks a bunch
    Hey Vic. Need your help with my l 3001 dt steering box was removed and as you said water distroyed the bearings and ill need all the parts to rebuild it if you can call me and if you can please send me the scyhmatic for the assy and a parts list if you can you sent it to me befor but lost it on my other computor my # is 225-242-7822 e-mail is smokey196240@yahoo.com thanks for the help Perry..
    Hi Vic,
    Today I was mowing along with my B-7100 and saw a patch of thicker brush in the field and thought my Mid-Mower should be able to handle it. I slowed up eased onto it and my tractor engine stalled out just as I was getting into it. I've stalled the engine before and it always just started right back up. No loud noise or damage that I can tell but the engine now will not start up. It's cranks over but doesn't start. I waited for it to cool down and still no start. It cranks over and just puts out a little black smoke from the exhaust pipe. My fear is I didn't have the RPMs up high enough when I started over the brush with my mower deck and when it stalled it may have jumped time. I know nothing about these little motors so I don't know where to start looking to diagnose. Maybe a blown fuse or vapor lock? I would appreciate any help. Thanks much. Steve
    Hi Vic, I have broken the front axle housing on my zb5000. Would you have one or know where I might be able to find one? I have a guy welding it but because it is cast iron he tells me it won’t last. Would I be able to find on from a 7000 and make the switch or would that be a problem? There is a whole front assemble on eBay for the 7000 but not sure if the gearing would work? Any help would be appreciated thanks.
    Hey Vic, I broke the pin on the drag link of my b1750 hst, I have a chance to get a used drag link from a b7200 hst p/n 67401-56400. It looks in the pic to be the same general shape. Are they basically interchangable, or am I going to buy a new part for my b1750? Thanks
    Hi Vic. Can you take a look at my L245DT transmission post? I am in need of replacing the reverse shift fork and need to know what the process is.
    It seems i remember someone posted a website where you could look up kubota parts. Also posted a parts house in canada that were cheaper. Im having trouble getting the chain and lower sprocket out of the side gearcase on a kubota fs850 tiller. I have the adjusting finger out but i cant get the other part out that goes through the side of the caseim assuming its a chain adjuster of some sort. Does anyone know of repair manuals online? Any help will be appreciated.
    Vic, the escort guy is on another thread as well: 'Well the project is halfway and things are looking good'. Poster is ZYC123.
    Hi Vic, the stupid new york escort chuckle heads are back. In the buying advise section under 50" reverse till hoe. Figured you would want to know. Thanks buddy. Hope everything is going your way.
    Dear Service Department Vic,

    I wish to buy parts for my Kubota B6000 4wd.

    I have the list of parts I require, subject to price and availability, as an Excel spreadsheet.

    Do you have an E mail address I can mail the spreadsheet to?

    Alternatively you can mail me at:


    ..and I will reply providing the spreadsheet as an attachment.

    1. I wish to pay using my UK issued Visa card.

    If that is not acceptable please let me know what methods are available.

    2. Delivery would be to my address in Thailand which is where the tractor is.


    Alan Betts
    Could you shoot me a PM with a price for all of the decals I'll need when I repaint my B6000? It's a grey market 4WD job with the bolt-on tiller. Also let me know where to send the check, or if you prefer credit card.


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