Recent content by 007kubotaguy

  1. 007kubotaguy

    M6800 starts and shuts off repeatedly

    I take care of quite a few M6200, M8200 and M9000. I have replaced the key switches on almost all of them. I keep an extra in my service truck.
  2. 007kubotaguy

    Diaphragm pump identification

    Looks like a old Hypro. Are there any part numbers cast into the air dome?
  3. 007kubotaguy

    L2201DT rear reduction gear lube?

    The transmission rear differential and the two final drives should all be one common fluid. A good quality tractor hydraulic fluid. I believe you also have a cleanable screen in the rear axle housing that you will want to clean. Access would be under the left floor board on the side of the...
  4. 007kubotaguy

    B7200DT STOPPER LEVER 67401-36260

    Daryl Grammer should have what you need. He's on this site you can send him a message.
  5. 007kubotaguy

    L275 Crankshaft

    I have plenty. Thank you Wolf man.
  6. 007kubotaguy

    Tire Size with BF400 Loader and where to get wheels

    I have Ag wheels in California.
  7. 007kubotaguy

    L345DT FEL Hyd questions.

    How many hoses are going to the loader valve? Six or seven. I would assume by your description that the loader is running off the tractor hydraulics. If so you are tapped in to the tractor hydraulics on the left side of the seat with an aluminum block with two hoses coming out of it. The front...
  8. 007kubotaguy

    PTO shear bolt connection / welded

    Check the Bare Co website. They have them.
  9. 007kubotaguy

    Vendor Thanks

    Wolfman. Thank you for all of your hard work. It's so nice to have a discussion form that's not full of a bunch of scammers. You do an awesome job of keeping it clean and respectful. I'm sure it only takes you a few minutes a day. LOL. Happy New Year
  10. 007kubotaguy

    L2502 inner air filter

    I believe it takes the same inside filter that the L2501 takes. Napa # 2985 inside Napa # 6438 outside
  11. 007kubotaguy

    4WD repair costs

    I would charge $600 per side to replace the Bearings, seals and orings.
  12. 007kubotaguy

    Power steering older kubota

    There was a dealer installed power steering unit for the L 245. I have only seen a couple of them in the last 45 years. If you look in the parts book they show a factory installed power steering. I have never seen one. As wolfman said I would look at the newer series tractors. Something like a...
  13. 007kubotaguy

    Kubota L245DT won't drive after new clutch

    Send me a message with an address and I'll send you a high low lever. Why did you put a clutch in your tractor to start with? These tractors have a one-way clutch on the PTO. It is at the back of the transmission inside. They do fail. Not very often.
  14. 007kubotaguy

    Kubota L245DT won't drive after new clutch

    If it is running the mower I would think your clutch is working fine. Just a single stage clutch. Is your high low shift lever by chance in neutral?