Ok, so I live right smack dab in the middle of Ohio. The soils here are developed as a result of 3 to 4 different glacial advances (depending on which part of Knox county you live in) the latest of which was the Wisconsinan glaciation somewhere between 5 and 12,000 years ago (depending on your expert). A little research shows that we've been in a general warming/glacial recession trend ever since that time (with a few insignificant blips along the way). Given those circumstances I'm inclined to believe that, yeah, the climate changes, yeah, it's been getting warmer (as evidenced by the continual recession of the glaciers) but no, we probably really don't have much to do with it. That doesn't mean we shouldn't manage resources responsibly, but some of this stuff lately goes a little far.
I wonder if our ancient ancestors were in a panic when they realized the last glacier had receded from Mount Vernon to Detroit (must've been caused by excess mammoth flatulence. I'll bet you thought the mammoths became extinct naturally, they were actually the first victims of climate change legislation)