A few months back I picked up a late 70's B6000 that I have puttering around with. It needs a lot of reworking in general, but the last few times I've run it, the engine will keep motoring when I attempt to shut it off with the throttle (which I believe is recommended)
Trying to gain some knowledge on the syste, I'm assuming the thottle is connected to some manner of needle valve/ seat assembly that would dictate fuel flow? Also, do these tractors have any sort of fuel shutoff solenoid? Looking in the IPC, I see a 37150-32243 listed as a "safety switch" but not sure how all that interacts with the fuel system, I'm not particulary used to working on mechanical diesels.
Trying to gain some knowledge on the syste, I'm assuming the thottle is connected to some manner of needle valve/ seat assembly that would dictate fuel flow? Also, do these tractors have any sort of fuel shutoff solenoid? Looking in the IPC, I see a 37150-32243 listed as a "safety switch" but not sure how all that interacts with the fuel system, I'm not particulary used to working on mechanical diesels.