This is my doggy Public Awareness Post:
We've been doing rescues for 20+ years and having a dog die from these things is a sad death.
Almost all of these shut down or destroy their kidneys and liver very quickly.
RIMADYL is top on my list!
I know some swear by it and love it, but Not anywhere near my pack, I will spare you the extremely sad tale of what rimadyl did to us.
Any nsaid (Anti Inflammatory) can cause this to happen suddenly.
If you going to give nsaids to your dogs have there blood work checked before you start and all the while (often) while they are taking it.
Also to help with stomach issues, give them An antacid (calcium based) like tums, Not Rolaids ( magnesium hydroxide) with their meds, some of our kids like the crunchy ones some like the soft ones.
Real Chocolate, with Coco, like bakers chocolate, one of the worst chocolate things is German Chocolate cake.
White chocolate is OK.
Grapes, Wine, Raisins, blueberries, and persimmons all fall in this group, it's actually the tannins in the skin that are toxic.
Anything Xylitol!
Xylitol is a sweetener that is toxic to dogs. It's also known as birch sugar or wood sugar.
Also in natural form birch bark is also toxic.
Anything Caffeine!
Whole Almonds, walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Brazil Nuts.
Onions, specifically vidalias!
Ice melt, the non pet safe variety.
If your dog ever eats any of these things one of the fastest and safest ways to get it out of them is 3% Hydrogen peroxide (general store available variety).
DO NOT USE the stronger commercial Hydrogen Peroxide!
Start with a 50/50 mix of water and peroxide mix and force them to take it, I use a big syringe, in an emergency just pour it down their throat.
If they have not thrown up within a few min do it again with a 75 peroxide to 25 water mix.
Again if they still have not thrown up in a few min give them 100% (it does not hurt them).
And don't be sparing.
They will throw up, several times, after they are done talk to your vet on follow up testing and care.
Thanks to @Moose7060 for reminding me there are different grades / strengths of Hydrogen Peroxide!