What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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Jun 17, 2020
PEI Canada
since the weather wasn't good to be outside Sunday, I decided to knock out my 800hr service. It was drama free. Dropped the front axle fluid since I planned on replacing both outer tie rod ends as well.

a quick front end alignment and all is well.

View attachment 138806
Were the tie rods in bad shape or recommended to be replaced at 800 hours?
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Saturday, I delivered 3 dump truck loads of free firewood to a neighbor that could use it. I'll tell you that the U-27 makes for a great (albeit, expensive) log mover. :D
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Saturday, I delivered 3 dump truck loads of free firewood to a neighbor that could use it. I'll tell you that the U-27 makes for a great (albeit, expensive) log mover. :D
I saw you were cleaning up some wood you had no use for.

You're a good man.... ;)

I'm sure it means a lot to the recipient.
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
I saw you were cleaning up some wood you had no use for.

You're a good man.... ;)

I'm sure it means a lot to the recipient.
Yep. Thanks.

My neighbor was really grateful. He asked me tonight if he could stop by to drop something off. I told him no. You don't owe me anything. I'd rather it go to him because he'll use it...and not turn around and sell it on facebook.

I did tell him that the one thing he could do for me is get himself a stihl 2 in 1 file and that he needs a new bar for sure (or flip the bar at the very least). When he was halving the logs while I had them in the thumb of the mini, his saw was cutting as crooked as a banana. I was afraid he was going to hit a tooth on the bucket and ruin the chain for good. :)

I have another 2-3 cords or so sitting there for him.
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
I consider Spring grass seeding to be a sign of owner/operator impatience.
Unless you have an irrigation system, you are doomed to a lovely crop of weeds by July.
Ask me how I know how (repeatedly)!
At the moment, weeds would be good. All I got right now is dirt and rocks and stump mulch and a few roots that have no tree anymore. Nooe, no irrigation system and not likely to get one unless I do it myself.

I rolled out of bed at 0600 this morning to a nice foggy autumn morning and decided it was as good a day as any to take care of a rather large brush pile. I put the quick hitch back on the LX and dragged the WC-68 chipper out to finally chew up the tops of four trees that I had the tree service take down. My new landscape rake is “Quick Hitch Compatible”, but just not with MY quick hitch. The chipper is, however and the drive shaft is cut to fit with the QH on the tractor, so running it without is not an option. After I took it off the skid, I saw little ball bearings scattered across the floor from the casters I put on the original shipping pallet. So after finishing the chipping, I found out just how much damage was done, AFTER I had put the chipper back on flimsy pallet. I had more casters, so built a 4x4 frame that fits nice and snug under the chipper frame and left enough room for a hanger addition for the drive shaft. While I had the tools out, I made a quick crosscut jig for my circular saw that will be very handy for future woodworking/carpentry projects.

I had my morning coffee on the deck and was quite chilly. Then donned my usual chipper operation attire and went to work. It took me about Four hours to chew up everything I could put in the chipper. Despite drinking nearly two gallons of water and one little 8 oz Coke with lunch after I was done, I think I might have gotten too hot chipping the brush. I’ve had a headache and high core temperature all afternoon. I wear long sleeves and gloves (and other appropriate PPE when I run the chipper, mostly because I don’t like the scratches I get if I don’t. The gloves are my worst enemy along with the hat because the head and hands are the primary heat exchanger. I wasn’t dehydrated. I didn’t have a dry thread on me and I was pretty careful to take a few breaks and drink plenty water. I just got too bloody hot on one of the coolest mornings we’ve had in 6 months. Gonna pay for it tomorrow.

I need to get one of those replacement top hooks for the Speeco QH, which is pretty much identical to the HaulMaster (HF). Then I’ll be back to one 3-point attachment (County Line Subsoiler) that won’t fit on my QH. Hooking up the rake reminds me why I got a quick hitch. It’s a complete PITA HOW did I do that crap when I was a teenager? I already modded my cheap HaulMaster Trailer tow bar for the QH. I figure I can modify the subsoiler too. Might need a little bigger welder tho.


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BX2370 (impliment details in my Profile->About)
Apr 24, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
I was talking with a neighbor who raises chickens and the discussion came around to her camping with her boyfriend and enjoying evening campfires, so I asked if she would like some windfall wood. Turns out she has an indoor fireplace for heating the house but no wood, so we cut up much of the windfall and she now has a whole Winter of wood, and I have farm-fresh eggs.

(a couple piles of wood staged for transport after she stacks/splits the wood transported to her house already)

After finishing up and bringing things back from the woods, a Spring-green colored leaf was attached to one of the outdoor covers...and it's Fall,

so I took a closer look:

Looks a little suspicious to me.
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Grand L4060HSTC, BH92 Backhoe, HLA Snow Pusher, Dirt Dog Tiller, EA DiscHarrow
Jun 24, 2020
SW Michigan
Took the BH92 off and installed the 3PH stuff. Kind of a PITA but I only do it 1X a year. Heading out tomorrow to rototill 3 softball infields. Weeds took over and I’ve had good luck with beaches so I was asked to try on infields. Adjusted tiller shoes to shallowest dig, marked any buried base posts and will see what happens. I’ll post before and after.

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LX2610HSDC, RCR1260, PFL1242, LX2963, RB1684, WC-68,Flail Mower,Grapple, Z421
Sep 26, 2021
Buckfield Maine
Tractor was brought back with the 3rd function and grapple from the dealer late this afternoon. I had to give it a whirl. There is definitely a learning curve especially if you are trying to not tear up the ground under your brush pile. Fortunatly I have lots to practice on.


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L35/TL720/BT900/York rake/Valby chipper
Jun 13, 2010
A rock that is poking up 2” out of the lawn just enough to get my attention is usually much larger than it originally appears. 🤷🏻‍♂️

View attachment 137553
Another fine specimen…you can probably see the part that was sticking above the ground vs the iceberg below 😎

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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
Move the chicken tractor back to it’s storage location and mowed with the B1700
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Tractor was brought back with the 3rd function and grapple from the dealer late this afternoon. I had to give it a whirl. There is definitely a learning curve especially if you are trying to not tear up the ground under your brush pile. Fortunatly I have lots to practice on.
Absolutely there’s a curve, a couple spped traps, and some oily spots on the pavement involved. BUT, it’s one thing that you can learn to do your own way and it’s the perfect way.

Not telling you how to, but what I do is roll the FEL curl forward and use the top half like a rake to gather the stuff I want to pick up. Boom FLOAT mode is your friend. I slam the stick forward after I get the clam shell on the ground, then slowly roll the curl back as I close the clamp. That technique works beautifully for me with very little damage to the lawn, certainly no more than my aerator behind the riding mower. When it’s mostly brush and limbs, I crush the first bite and make another grab to get more.

If lawn isn’t an issue, I use the grapple to pull deadfall and leaves into a pile, then the technique above to collect and move it. Again, FLOAT mode on the FEL boom is your friend. If you don’t want to be super aggressive with the grapple, adjust the curl to pull the debris without chewing the soil too much.

One thing I found was a great match with the grapple was a landscape rake. It cleans up leafy deadfall better than the clamshell of the grapple.
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L3130 GST, FEL, Taylor Way BH W/Subframe, Rotary Cutter, Pallet Forks
Mar 20, 2016
Evansville, IN, USA
Did some tree work this afternoon. Took down part of a damaged Cedar and some Cherry. I hate Cedar trees. They are a nuisance for many reasons.




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BX2370 (impliment details in my Profile->About)
Apr 24, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Not to be critical and approaching this as a fellow forum member, this looks like a conventional face cut that's too deep, a sloping back cut, no holding wood on one side as the hinge was cut through, and loss of control during the fall.

From a "let's learn from this" perspective and not seeing the whole situation, maybe the face could have been rotated 45° counter-clockwise toward the lean of the tree at a depth of 1/4 to 1/3 the diameter of the tree, allowing room for a horizontal back-cut 2" above the horizontal part of the face cut, likely resulting in a more controlled fall due to having holding wood.

With that said, cedar is very dense and tends to break off rather than pull cleanly through the fall, so there are several advanced techniques like a Gapped Face Cut (sometimes called a "blocked face cut") that can help the hinge retain holding wood though more of the fall.

If there's anything I've learned it's the Internet is full of arm-chair experts and tree felling is bound to draw out some pretty strong (and often wrong) opinions, and it's not my goal to be in that category. I wasn't there, and even if I were I don't consider myself an expert, especially with cherry and cedar.



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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
My neighbor called me this morning to ask if he could use the land leveler (land plane) on his gravel driveway. He's a really good guy and I'm happy to help him out. He has a skidsteer with a 3-point on the rear so I dropped it off at his place and hope it works well for him. On the way back I did a bit of flail work on a bank along the edge of my property.

I had the pallet forks on the MX since last weekend when I unloaded a 500lb box so that worked out well.

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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Did some tree work this afternoon. Took down part of a damaged Cedar and some Cherry. I hate Cedar trees. They are a nuisance for many reasons.

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As opposed to water oaks? Cedars drop almost nil branches, insects don’t want anything to do with them (except cicadas) have absolutely beautiful wood, smell nice, and don’t drop a ton of leaves every year for nearly 3 months of the year before they drop the blooms and cover everything in pollen, and they have an enormous root structure that prevents them from blowing over in a mild breeze (F0 tornado). How many of these very positive traits can you say about water oak?


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BX1880 with loader, mower and 3 point
Mar 28, 2023
Received another attachment today for my spoiled BX. Should be able to get a tax write off like a kid.


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BX1880 with loader, mower and 3 point
Mar 28, 2023
Front blade for snow work. It arrived as I was getting ready to head out on my last camping trip. I’ll post pics next week to show it.
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